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Woman standing in library
Woman standing in library
Original photo by Megan Seaver

Senior Sendoff: Megan Seaver

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

A Senior Send-off for Her Campus Emmanuel’s 2023-2024 President Megan Seaver! Meg has been a crucial member for the past four years. The hard work, dedication, and passion she’s demonstrated for Her Campus has not gone unnoticed. We will miss you Meg, and wish you all the luck with your future endeavors.

Major: English

Her Campus Position: President

What is your dream job? To be an author! I’ve always wanted to write my own novel.

What was your favorite class at Emmanuel? My favorite class was fiction writing. I really enjoyed the writing prompts we had and reading the work of my peers.

Why did you join Her Campus? I joined Her Campus because I loved to write and I wanted to meet people who had similar interests to me!

What are your favorite things to do around Boston? Going book shopping, I love Trident Booksellers.

What’s your favorite memory from your time at Emmanuel? My first moonlight breakfast 

Do you have any plans after graduation? I’m going abroad to England

Woman standing in library
Original photo by Megan Seaver
Aine Hoye

Emmanuel '25

Aine is the editor of Emmanuel College's Her Campus chapter. She's an English major, and loves reading in her free time. HC has been a huge part of her life since her first year of college, and she's loved every minute!