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The Ultimate Apartment Living Necessities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

                                                                                                   [Photo courtesy of Unsplash]


Next semester is right around the corner, and for those of you lucky Emmanuel students who managed to land an off campus apartment, you’re going to need to start looking for some hot new stuff! But, it’s important to remember the essentials. Here’s a list of things you just can’t live without if you’re diving into apartment living next year!

1. Towels

You’re not stupid. But, sometimes towels can be easy to forget, right? Towels, washcloths… all that jazz isn’t nearly as exciting as your brand new coffee maker or comfy armchair, and sometimes when you get all caught up in the hustle and bustle of your more exciting furniture you might just leave your towels behind. Don’t! For your sake, do not forget your towels! But, just in case you do, anywhere from City Target to Bed Bath & Beyond will have your back. Inexpensive towels for a good price are all you could ever ask for.

2. All the rugs

You are going to want SO many rugs. A rug for your living room, rugs for the bathroom, rugs for under your bed so when you wake up in the morning your toes don’t get cold when you stand. There’s nothing worse than cold toes in the morning. Decorative rugs, shag rugs, weird vintage oriental rugs; you’re going to want them all! Nothing says warm and cozy apartment like a nice comfy rug. Take note friends: try not to buy a light, solid colored rug. It will get stained in no time Buy a nice, dark, multicolored rug. It won’t look dirty and you won’t have to clean it all the time. Trust me, it’s worth it.

3. Paper products

Paper towels, paper plates, paper cups, tissues, toilet paper: you are going need all of them. Paper products make the world go ‘round. I know they aren’t the most environmentally friendly products, but when you’re in college, you never know when twelve of your friends are just gonna show up and order pizza. Also, toilet paper is something you cannot (and should not) live without. My advice? You and your roommates should all bring one of those massive packs of toilet paper at the beginning of the semester, that way you never run out. Seriously, they’ll probably last you all year. If not
well, that sounds like a personal problem.

4. A humidifier

We’ve all been there. These Boston winters are MEAN, and you’re going to want a humidifier to make sure your apartment isn’t bone dry. If one of your roommates gets the plague, and your apartment is hot and dry, you will all end up plagued. It’s a given, so bring a humidifier or two to keep your apartment from being a petri dish of nastiness. You won’t regret it.

5. Lamps and lights

Another handy piece of furniture that you might forget about amongst all of the other more exciting things you have to bring to you apartment. Apartments can get real dark and real cramped, real quick. Open up your apartment with light bulbs that give off a white light, rather than a yellow. Yellow light can make your space feel grungy and dirty, no bueno pal.

6. Fans and A/C units

This is a given. Apartments in Boston can get HOT. And I mean: sweltering, walking around in your undies, dump ice down your own back, hot. There is no question about it, you are going to NEED a fan or A/C unit in your apartment, otherwise you’re going to melt. You can’t stick your head in the freezer forever

7. Decorations

Pictures and lighting and plants, oh my! One of the most exciting things about getting an apartment is having the ability to decorate it exactly the way you want it! Wall art, succulents, patterned throw pillows and real live window curtains! It’s like a dream! Besides, nothing says “come chill in my new pad” like fluffy beanbag chairs and dangling christmas lights. And besides, if you don’t have a wall tapestry, did you really live in an apartment as an undergrad? I don’t think so

8. Cooking utensils

Back to the basics again. Look, plastic wear is all good and fun, but it doesn’t really scream “this is my home”. Try to invest in some cheap, sturdy silverware for you and your roommates. If each of you brings two or three sets, you’ll have plenty of silverware to last you in between washings. Also, make sure to buy serving spoons, tongs, spatulas, and peelers for all of your cooking adventures, you’re going to need them.

9. Bluetooth speakers

We all know what it’s like to be hanging around with friends listening to background music coming out of someone’s iPhone speakers. And, let’s be honest, aren’t we above trying to carve a makeshift speaker out of a red solo cup? Do yourself a favor and buy your apartment a good, hardy bluetooth speaker. Your parties will be bumpin’ and your study sessions will be more productive. No one likes to hang out in a space full of dead air.

10. A mini fridge or two

Alright, this is something necessary for all apartments. Keep a mini fridge for yourself so anything you want for yourself isn’t open season for the rest of your roomies. Plus, when it comes to room checks, you might need a place to store all of your 21 and older beverages,ust to be on the safe side. When it all comes down to it, there are some things you don’t want your friends to reach into the fridge and steal when you aren’t paying attention, so invest in a mini fridge to prevent any awkward situations.

Well ladies and gentlemen, that’s it! The perfect list of all of your apartment must-haves. These are all smart, sound investments that will last you far beyond your college years and into your full life of “adulting”. Make the best of your off campus apartment while you can, you’ll carry these memories with you forever. Good luck!

Makenzie is a current Senior at Emmanuel College studying Communications + Media Cultural Studies and Performing Arts. (Try saying that three times fast...) She's been a part of her school's Her Campus chapter since it's very first semester, and has been chapter advising for 2 years. Makenzie is also a National Writer for HC's beauty section, Campus Trendsetter, and former HC Community Development Intern. Makenzie is incredibly excited to be finishing up her last semester as Co-Campus Correspondent of HC Emmanuel. Interested in joining yourself? Hit her up anytime! 
Sammy is a senior at Emmanuel College, majoring in English: Communications & Media Studies with a minor in Music-Theater. She discovered Her Campus through College Fashion Week: Boston, and has since re-launched Emmanuel's chapter and become a National Intern. On campus, Sammy gives weekly tours as an Admissions Ambassador, is a member of the Honors Program and stars in an as many theatrical productions as possible. She was also an Orientation Leader for the Class of 2019. Outside of school, she works as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and manages a personal style blog called Backyard Beauty. An obsessive organizer, social media addict and fashion maven, Sammy dreams of living a lavish life as a magazine contributor in New York City after graduation. Follow her on Twitter @sammysays19 and Instagram @backyardbeautyxo or visit backyardbeautyxo.tumblr.com/.