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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

The holidays bring time with family, fun movies, and—of course—delicious desserts! Here’s what your favorite holiday dessert says about you. 


You love the classics and cinnamon on everything! Sitting by the fire and drinking hot cocoa is one of your favorite things to do when it gets cold out. 

Sugar cookies 

You probably love art and decorating cookies. Taking pictures of the snow falling is your favorite winter activity. You’re known in your family for your thoughtful DIY presents!

Peanut Butter cookies 

You like the simple things. You have a coffee collection for all different seasons and are most excited about your winter flavors! Decorating for the holidays as soon as it gets cold is your favorite thing to do.

Chocolate chip cookies with surprises inside 

You have so much energy. You hate the cold, but love winter sports and can usually be found skiing. Your love for chocolate can be found in all of your holiday food traditions.  

Square pretzels with m&ms

You’re a bit edgy, and your preference for a sweet and salty holiday dessert shows this. When it gets cold out you feel like you could stay in your pajamas forever. You love finding the perfect gift. 

Peppermint candy canes

You really love baking, and have about a hundred different recipes that have peppermint included somehow. You love watching snow fall from the comfort of the oven-heated kitchen. You probably have a really cool collection of earrings for every season. 


You have a horrible sweet tooth. You love classic holiday movies and grew up with them on VHS. You either love homemade desserts and hate store-bought or vice versa. 

Pecan Pie 

You usually have unpopular opinions and aren’t afraid of what anyone might think. You really love doing arts and crafts when it gets cold, and if you have a pet they have their own holiday outfits. You love to cuddle with your pet when the temperature drops. 

With finals coming to a close everyone is ready to relax. Take some time to do the winter activities you love and whatever your favorite holiday dessert is, be sure to have fun making it this season!

Noelle Natale

Emmanuel '23

Noelle is a junior at Emmanuel College studying English with a minor in Chemistry. She loves sewing, arts and crafts, and collecting. You can usually find her reading a good book or planning a new craft project!