Did you know the zodiac sign is related to some of the traits you may possess? Did you also know each person when they are born is associated with a zodiac sign? Some say that these signs are not of any truth while others believe in them fully. It is up to the individual to either decline or accept the amount of truth that each sign holds. Below is the list of birth dates associated with each zodiac.Â
Aries → March 21-April 19
Taurus → April 20-May 20
Gemini → May 21-June 20
Cancer → June 21-July 22
Leo → July 23-August 22
Virgo → August 23-September 22
Libra → September 23-October 22
Scorpio → October 23-November 21
Sagittarius → November 22-December 21
Capricorn → December 22-January 19Â
Aquarius → January 20-February 18
Pisces → February 19-March 20
I recommend researching your sign after you have picked out which one is associated with your birth date. You can either choose to decline the beliefs and ideas about the zodiac sign or choose to believe them. Choosing to believe them might help you figure out who you are. It is common to feel uncertain about how these signs shape us.Â
Do you believe in the zodiac signs? If not, what makes you believe you’re different from it? How do you think you are shaped differently than the one that you are said to be? Do you believe in the truth of your zodiac sign? Do you think it is possible that other people fit into the zodiac world of symbols and it is only you that does not believe? Answering some of these questions could help you formulate a basis about what zodiac signs really mean to you. By finding out which zodiac sign you are, you could either disregard any beliefs that you don’t necessarily think are true about you. Zodiac signs are meant to help you answer questions about yourself.Â
It is up to you to find out the beliefs you stand for and the personality traits you exert onto yourself and others. Most importantly, it is up to you to believe in whatever zodiac sign you are! Even if you cannot grasp who you are through the research of your own zodiac sign, you should be able to formulate what beliefs from your own zodiac sign that apply to you.Â