In the midst of adding, dropping, and swapping while trying to figure out a part-time job and the best places to study, you may have missed the Student Activities Fair. Don’t fret! Emory makes it easy for any Collegiette to get involved. Here are some ways to make sure you don’t miss out on Skydiving trips, volunteering at the local animal shelters, writing for campus publications and much more!
1. Check the LearnLink Conferences icon on your FirstClass desktop. Clubs all have Learnlink Conferences and you can find many there. One you find your club, right click and hit “Add to Desktop” and stay up to date on meetings and events posted there!
2. Check Facebook. Many Emory organizations have joined the social network and have groups or pages you can join or “like.” This makes it easy to stay updated while you are checking out your newsfeed.
3. Get in the bubble! Check out for events and links that will let you know what groups are putting on around campus and beyond!
4. Search the rest of the web. Some clubs at Emory even have their own websites! A quick search will direct you there where you can find club president contact information and more.
5. Hit up Wonderful Wednesday. This weekly event is a great chance to get in-person contact with club leaders and talk to them about what they do.
6. Start your own! Can’t find a group that fits your interests? Contact College Council and get going on making a club of your own!