Name: Alex Hoberman
Year: Junior
Hometown: Westport, CT
Major: NBB, Pre-med
Extra curriculars: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Soccer, Neurosurgery research, JHealth, Volunteering, Orgo Tutor
Relationship Status: Taken
Her Campus Emory (HCE): What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?
Alex (A): I flew to London to visit my girlfriend while she was abroad and saw all of London from our own capsule in the London Eye.
HCE: What was your favorite college moment?
A: Formal every year in PCB.
HCE: Do you have any hidden talents?
A: I have a freakishly long tongue…if you consider that a talent.
HCE: If you had a theme song what would it be?
A: “With a little help from my friends” –The Beatles
HCE: Favorite place to eat in Atlanta?
A: Two Urban Licks
HCE: Which phrase do you most overuse?
A: “if you’re not first, you’re last”-Ricky Bobby
HCE: Describe Emory in 3 words.
A: Another freshman dorm?