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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Cutie, Anthony!


Full name: Anthony Chau

Major: Psychology & Economics-Mathematics

Hometown: New York City

Extracurricular Activities: Emory Pride, Emory Reads, Orientation Leader

Relationship Status: 1 year (and counting) with an amazing guy!

Greek Affiliation: LOL


Her Campus Editor (HCE): Describe yourself in 5 words.

Anthony Chau (AC): I’m not good at following rules.


HCE: Who are your favorite artists?

AC: Bronze Radio Return, Mumford & Sons, Lord Huron, CHVRCHES, Fitz and Tantrums, Avalanche City, Regina Spektor, Kodaline, Radical Face, Of Monsters and Men (definitely check them out if you don’t know them!)


HCE: What are three ways a person can win your heart?

AC: Don’t take life too seriously, get just a little too excited about about the prospect of seeing a Broadway musical, and cuddle vigorously (and often). 


HCE: What did you want to be when you were younger?

AC: My lifelong obsession with animals led me to aspirations of being a circus trainer or veterinarian. These dreams were quickly dashed by my fear of clowns and AP Biology.


HCE: What do you see yourself (ideally) doing after you graduate?

AC: I’d really love the opportunity to work as an advocate to reform American public policy. I’m interested in issues related to human and civil rights, mental health, access to education, and wealth inequality, and would love to close achievement gaps for traditionally disadvantaged or stigmatized populations. I hope to continue this work internationally as well!

HCE: What is the best compliment someone can ever give you?

AC: As someone who depends upon the support (and sanity) of my close friends, I’m cognizant of how important it is to have someone you can turn to when you need help. It would mean the world to be that person for someone.


HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?

AC: I don’t feel guilty about any of my pleasures. (But, if pressed, slutty brownies and One Direction).


HCE: Who inspires you?

AC: Anybody who stays true to their values and works tirelessly to make the world a better place for others. I have a lot of love for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Her Campus at Emory University