Nancy Seideman and Gary Hauk should put out a weather advisory about drying conditions ahead. That’s what happens when the cold and windy months strike in full force. Thanks to cold air and low humidity, the body reacts by becoming itchy, dry, and all these other uncomfortable symptoms. Here are my tips and tricks for surviving these next few months with as little dryness as possible:
1. Exfoliate I recommend using products you can find in your kitchen, like coconut oil or EVOO and mixing it with brown sugar to create your own body and lip scrub. Exfoliating your skin will remove off the dead skin cells and allow your skin to reveal a new top layer of healthier skin cells.
2. Stay Away from Alcohol and by this I mean stay away from products that contain alcohol. A lot of soaps and sanitizers contain alcohol as a key ingredient. Alcohol tends to dry out the skin and suck the moisture away. Instead, you can search for hand products or body products that are intended to moisturize.
3. Honey I like to use this when I have smaller areas of dry spots on my skin. Honey is great to promote blood flow and warm up the skin full of moisture. Consider mixing honey with sugar to make a scrub especially for those extra tough dry spots.
4. Gloves Have you ever seen classy ladies wearing gloves to super fancy events? Well it turns out that if you actually lotion your hands and then slip some gloves on, you actually create a barrier that traps the moisture to put back into your skin. When you wake up, your skin should feel softer than if you had just put on lotion without the gloves.
Stay warm and stay beautiful!