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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.
Full Name: Bethany Studnicky
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies Major writing an honors thesis on Visual Culture in Art, with an Integrated Visual Arts Co-major 
Hometown: Annapolis, Maryland
Extracurricular Activities: Executive Officer Alpha Delta Pi, Women’s Rugby, Executive Board Member Emory Arts Underground, Small Business Owner, Artist, Youth Rugby Coach
Relationship Status: Dating
Greek Affiliation: Alpha Delta Pi
HCE: Describe yourself in 5 words.
Bethany: Silly, snuggles, honest, introspective, motivated
HCE:What are some of your hobbies?
Bethany: Though I haven’t always been the most talented athlete I’ve actually played Rugby for about 16 years. I loved coaching the youth rugby league back home in Maryland. I coached the u13 team for about five years. With rugby came a love for exercise and lifting. I love to feel strong. I also am extremely dedicated to my artwork. I guess you couldn’t call it much of a hobby anymore since it has become my life, but I have always had an affection for creating beautiful things inspired by beautiful people. Aside from those I love to bake. I bake all the family holiday desserts in my house. I’m a movie fanatic. I generally throw out at least 5-6 quotes unbeknownst to my friends in any given conversation. And of course, when ever I do anything, I am always listening to music. I love to listen to anything I can sing. 
HCE: What is your favorite kind of music to listen to?/Who are your favorite artists?
Bethany: It really depends on the mood. My little brother and I share a lot of our tastes in music. He and I will sit in the kitchen of the restaurant we work together at cooking and listen to 60s swing, Frank Sinatra, The XX, Mumford and Sons, Alt-J, Creedence Clearwater, Edward Sharpe, Of Monsters and Men, Hozier, Kygo, The Killers (have always been and always will be my favorite band.. I’ve seen them in concert twice), pretty much any rock and roll, indie, alternative, or even metal. Ive always been a big fan of linkin park, but I can still get down to some Alanis Morissette. 
HCE: What do you sing in the shower?
Bethany: A Team by Ed Sheeran
HCE: What is the last song that was stuck in your head? 
Bethany: A Team by Ed Sheeran (I might have just stepped out of the shower)
HCE: If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Bethany: And not get fat? Bread, cheese, fruit, and wine. 
HCE: If you could have dinner with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be? 
Bethany: Meryl Streep. What a woman. 
HCE: Describe your ideal weekend. 
Bethany: My family, friends, man, and puppies all gathered together on a midsummer’s weekend eating good food, telling good stories, and making good memories. 
HCE: Describe your ideal date. 
Bethany: April 25th. All you need is a light jacket.
HCE: Three ways a person can win your heart. 
Bethany: Humor, Compassion, and being Genuine
HCE: Worst/best pick up line you’ve ever heard. 
Bethany: “Hey.”
HCE: Favorite selfie pose.  
Bethany: Snapchat. Tongue just barely out. 
HCE: Advice to your younger self. 
Bethany: Don’t worry too much about what they say and what they want. You already know what you want, just go get it. 
HCE: What is your biggest fear? 
Bethany: Falling out of love. 
HCE: What is your pet peeve? 
Bethany: Ignorance 
HCE: What did you want to be when you were younger? 
Bethany: A masseuse. 
HCE: What is one thing you’ve always wanted to learn/get better at? 
Bethany: Another language. I’m truly terrible at learning new languages but I just find it so intriguing. I also am just enamored by hyper realistic artists. There is a French artist by the name of Kit King who blows my mind. 
HCE: What do you see yourself (ideally) doing after you graduate? 
Bethany: Life plan. After I (hopefully) finish my honor’s thesis I would like to use it to supplement a Fulbright application to study Fine Arts anywhere in the Mediterranean. As I expand my knowledge as an artist, I would like to expand my business. I would have it grow past just selling commission artwork, to enter a fine arts market selling my own and other’s work in a series of galleries and venues I would own across the nation in culturally central cities. 
HCE: Describe your most embarrassing moment. 
Bethany: My life is comprised of embarrassing moments. Picking one is impossible. 
HCE: What are some of your favorite places in Atlanta? 
Bethany: Ponce City Market is a really cool area. It is a refurbished warehouse that sits just next to the Beltline. Near the market there is this wonderful little park filled with waterfalls and flowers. I also love hiking just outside of the city. 20 minutes of driving and you feel like you are in a whole other world. You can’t hear the city, nor even see the skyline. 
HCE: What has been your biggest accomplishment since being at Emory? 
Bethany: Finding what I am most passionate about, sharing with the world, and creating a successful business around it. 
HCE: What has been your favorite class at Emory? 
Bethany: Memory and Memoir IDS 385. If you haven’t taken you should. Dr. Blakeley is a saint. 
HCE: What is the best compliment someone can ever give you? 
Bethany: “You are genuinely you”
HCE: What is your hidden talent? 
Bethany: “I can fit my whole fist in my mouth…”–Karen from Mean Girls. Kidding. Probably quoting the entirety of Anchorman in a single sitting. 
HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?
Bethany: I would say cheesy bread but I honestly don’t feel guilty about it at all. 
HCE: What do you consider to be your greatest flaw? 
Bethany: trust too easily. 
HCE: Who inspires you? 
Bethany: People who work for what they want and appreciate what they’ve got and love the people they meet along the way. 
HCE: What’s your dream vacation spot? 
Bethany: One day I will tour the Mediterranean. The whole thing. 
Her Campus at Emory University