Meet the co-presidents of Emory Quilt on the Quad – Andie Belkoff ’16 and Jessica Moore ’16! These two pre-health juniors traveled to Honduras this past summer on a medical service trip and have now come together to lead an incredible organization. Get excited for their events planned this fall!
HCE: What is quilt on the quad?
Andie (AB) and Jessica (JM): Quilt on the Quad promotes AIDS awareness by hosting an event on World AIDS Day. Emory Hillel partners with the Names project, an organization that creates quilts in honor of patients who have died or are suffering from HIV/AIDS.
HCE: How did you get involved?
AB: I wanted to get involved in clubs that interested me my freshman year. My friend who was on the committee told me more about it, and I wanted to get involved instantly.
JM: My friend was involved and knew that I would be interested in joining the club.
HCE: What are your goals for this year?
AB and JM: We are really focusing on getting exciting guest speakers and having a great turnout at our event on December 1st. We want to make it a huge event like it was in the past. We will have performances from our acapella groups, free HIV testing at our event, and a community fair where different Emory clubs and organizations can set up a table that relates to public health. We are also planning on having a memorial for the AIDS researchers who lost their lives on Malaysia Flight 17 this past summer.
HCE: Are there any events this semester?
AB and JM: We will be doing the Atlanta AIDS walk and having our event on December 1st, World AIDS day! Like our Facebook page for more info on these events!
HCE: How can students get involved?
AB and JM: All students are welcome! email us at we definitely want to get the word out!