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The Guy Line: How to Deal with the Morning After

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Dear RLEG,
Do you have any tips for making the morning after as least awkward as possible?
Oh $h!t, Who’s That Guy?

Dear Oh $h!t, Who’s That Guy?,

Ah, the morning after—the result of a night out involving far too much liquor and drunkenly raging hormones.  It seemed like a good idea at the time, didn’t it?  That’s not to say it wasn’t, but that brief period of waking up in an unfamiliar room that clearly is not yours next to that guy (who looked way cuter after a few drinks) can get a little bit awkward at times.  Here are a few tips on how to make the encounter as easy to get through as possible.
Tip 1: Write down his name!
Nothing is worse than waking up and forgetting who “he” is.  Put his name in your phone, on your hand, anywhere where you can easily find it in the morning so you don’t have to refer to him as “hey you, the one drooling on my pillow…”  It wouldn’t hurt to write down where it was that you met him either.
Tip 2: Awkwardness spreads
It is proven in tests (that I just made up) that awkwardness spreads like a contagious disease.  The less awkward you are, the less awkward he will be.  Try having a normal conversation with him like, “What are you doing today?” or “What did you do before I saw you last night?”  Try not to review the happenings in the room last night or what you guys may or may not have done just yet.  There is time to discuss that in a less awkward setting.  If he brings it up though and you feel comfortable talking about it, go for it.  There’s nothing wrong with being a little bit open!

Tip 3: The “Walk of Shame”

Everyone has seen it, the chick walking back to her dorm/apartment at 7:30 a.m. still wearing exactly what she wore last night, heels and all, hair a mess and make up smeared across her face.  If you wake up in his room and he has a car, ask if he would mind driving you back to your place.  If he doesn’t have a car, call up a friend and see if they’ll come pick you up.  If all else fails, take off those heels and walk; but keep your head up high.  Remember, it’s not a “walk of shame,” it’s a “stride of pride.”
Tip 4: Don’t try to make it go away
So this is after the morning after, but here’s the deal—you had a drunken hook up.  Don’t fault yourself!  It happens, what’s done is done.  You still want to be friends?  Try texting him later in the day and joke about it.  Trying to forget about it only increases awkwardness and will push you guys away from each other.  Here’s a personal example: I drunkenly got with a girl one night and everyday following that night when we’d see each other we would avoid eye contact and pretend like the other didn’t exist.  Finally, on another drunken night I approached her and we laughed about it for the next half hour.  To this day we are still friendly and have no trouble talking or being around one another.

Hope these help!