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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Have a Chipotle burrito bowl from last night in your fridge, but don’t really want the same meal two days in a row? How about a burrito in a soggy tortilla you don’t know what to do with? Well, worry no more! Here’s a simple way to transform some of the most popular items on Chipotle’s menu into a quick and easy breakfast omelet!


Your favorite Chipotle meal (burrito bowl, burrito minus the tortilla, salad, etc.)

2-3 Eggs (depends on how hungry you are)

Salt and Pepper

Non-stick spray or butter


Extra Cheese

Any other leftover meat or veggies you wanna toss in


1. Begin to heat up a pan on your stove top on medium heat.

2. Put your eggs in a small bowl and mix them up until the yolks are broken and the mixture is even.

3. Spray your pan with non-stick spray or slide a little bit of butter around until the entire pan is lightly coated.

4. Pour your eggs into the pan.

5. Let the eggs cook for about 10-15 seconds (until the eggs are cooked on the outside but the middle is still liquidy). Then, add your Chipotle leftovers, a little bit of salt and pepper, and any other extras you want.

6. After about a minute or so (when the eggs are mostly cooked and only a little runny), take a spatula and fold the omelet in half.

7. Let the omelet cook for about thirty more seconds, and flip it once or twice just to make sure the cooking is even.

8. Slide your omelet onto a plate, and enjoy!

Another quick idea is a breakfast burrito. Just scramble some eggs, microwave your leftovers, and wrap everything up in a fresh tortilla. Simple, easy, and delicious!

Bon appetit, and enjoy your Chipotle breakfast!

Linguistics and Anthropology Major
Her Campus at Emory University