It’s that point in the semester where everyone is asking you how you plan on spending your summer vacation. For some college students (very few, trust me) this is an easy question to answer and one that they are very excited to share because they have their dream internship, are studying abroad in an exotic new place, or are working in a stellar research lab. Meanwhile, the rest of us are struggling to choose a path in which we want to spend the rest of our life.
So, my answer to solving this is to make a list. This list should be written with an elegant and important looking pen and on a matching elegant piece of stationery paper because the first step toward making a life path list is to make it feel official. I know what you’re thinking, a life path list, oh no, I have no idea what to put on this list. But don’t worry, it’s not like that because if I can do it, you can do it. The next step is to find a place in your purse, backpack, or pocket (just don’t lose it) where you can keep the list with you at all times because you never know when inspiration is going to hit.
As for what you will actually be writing on that list, well, that’s the easy part: write what you are passionate about. It can be the smallest thing such as socks with pineapples on them or something immensely important like saving the world. Whatever it is, the only criteria are that you are interested in it, enjoy talking or learning more about it, and/or feel joy from it @MarieKondo. This may sound dumb and irrelevant toward deciding on your future, but it might just spark something.
This list is all about having one place where you can physically see all the things you are excited about, and hopefully, you will be able to make connections between them. Finding these connections can lead to the development of a career interest or field of interest. For example, my list includes pop culture, bringing joy to people, making memories, concerts, movies/tv/music, fashion, and much more. This list may seem random, but I have found connections that have led me to know what I want to do with the rest of my life: I want to be an event planner in the entertainment industry. Event planning incorporates the aspect of bringing joy to people and making memories and the entertainment industry includes pop culture and movies/tv/music. So, final statement: write what you love because you should only ever spend your time doing something you care about.