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When Your Friends Speak Different Languages

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

In a multicultural environment like Emory, chances are that you have more than a few friends who speak a different first language from you. If you’re anything like me, you can definitely relate to the struggles of being the “English-speaking friend” in your squad. Here are some moments that you’ve almost definitely experienced, written from the perspective of a wannabe Latina.

1. Being slightly paranoid they are talking about you


2. Wondering if they happen to know every single person on campus that speaks the same language they do


3. Sitting at a table at the duc with a bunch of their friends and just hearing rapid words in another language


4. Becoming obsessed with the weird but awesome sayings they have in their native language that just don’t quite translate into English


5. Getting used to being the “American” of the group


6. Going to one of their parties and feeling so out of place


7. Realizing just how lame your dance moves are


8. Always feeling underdressed


9. Hearing awesome stories about where they are from and realizing just how boring your life is


10. The ensuing excitement when they invite you to their home country for spring break

Having friends who speak different languages can be challenging, but getting to learn about their lives and experience their amazing cultures makes it all worth it! 

Her Campus at Emory University