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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

If you are reading this article, chances are that you are thinking about studying abroad, you have already committed to studying abroad, or, you are wondering what the heck to even pack for a study abroad semester! Well, you have come to the right place!

Check the Weather!

As someone who has studied abroad twice during my entire junior year of college, I have experienced studying abroad at two different institutions in two different countries. My first study abroad trip was in Florence, Italy, during the fall semester, and my second study abroad trip was in Cork, Ireland, during the spring semester. I make a note of the seasons I have gone because, most likely, this will influence the types of clothing you will be packing!My first tip would be to check the weather for the season that you are planning on studying abroad. It is so important to pack light (in terms of weight), because you never know what kinds of things you will want to buy once you get off that plane! You also do not want to be carrying an extremely overweight bag (or maybe you do, if you are working on your strength… that was not my case). Not only will this help you save money from the overweight airline fees, but it will also give you space for new purchases to bring home for yourself, your friends, or your family.

Make a list!

My second tip would be to make a list at least 1 month before your study abroad trip. This will help you start to plan what kinds of outfits you will be wearing once you get to your new destination.

I recommend having mostly neutral clothing pieces, (such as whites, browns, blacks, grays, etc..), along with a few pops of colorful clothing – but I suggest keeping that minimal. This will help you make more outfits with a minimal amount of clothing.

Different countries tend to have different ways of dressing, so it is so important to dress appropriately to that culture (which is probably my most important tip) . I strongly recommend you do research on this, before you make a packing list. Generally speaking, (because where you travel will determine what clothes you bring), I would say it is appropriate in most countries to bring at least 2 pairs of your favorite jeans, in different shades, 1 pair of comfortable pants, and 1 pair of light pants. Then you could bring a skirt, a dress, or anything that aligns with your style. I started piling up clothes around 3 weeks before my first trip, just to get a head start. Then, you can check your list to make sure you have all of your necessities. This helped me feel much more relaxed and confident that I will not forget anything important.

Mini Essentials for the win!

My third tip would be to pack some of your favorite mini essentials in a purse or a side body bag to have with you on the plane. Some of the most important things that I packed in my bag included a chapstick, a multi-use cream (for hands, face, etc.), gum (because your ears may pop!), a passport wallet with some American cash, pads/tampons, personal multi-use wipes, and a mini hairbrush. Money note:You also will need to notify your bank the duration that you are leaving the country, and you will use an ATM to get Euros once you land.

Some of the other small things I threw in my bag included a few cough drops, hydrating eye drops, bandaids, nail file, ginger mints (in case of an upset stomach), and hair elastics. Maybe I had brought too much, but this was my first independent trip out of the country and I wanted to make sure I had everything I could possibly need! Even if I didn’t use half of what I brought, it was there for emergency use. It is so important that you check the sizes of things you are bringing, because airlines have different liquid requirements! Everything I packed was miniature, so it fit well in a bag roughly 9” x 5” in size.

Take Care of Your jewelry!

My fourth tip would be if you are bringing any jewelry, I suggest that you wear your best pieces on the flight, and do not take them out until you are settled into where you are staying or a hotel. I would not recommend packing them in carry-on or luggage. Sometimes, jewelry can get tangled when it is packed, and you also don’t want to lose it if it is valuable to you! This is something that my parents recommended to me, as I did not think of that. This will also provide you ease of mind because it will always be on you (literally) so you will have no chance of losing it!

Journal for the mems

Lastly, my fifth tip would be to carry a journal. Or, if you are someone who does not enjoy writing, I would suggest doing journal entries in your notes app. Studying abroad is such a unique and exciting experience, and you will want to remember the moments once it is over, and the stories of what you have experienced.

Journaling will also help you relieve any emotions you are feeling in the moment, and releasing them can help you stay more in the present moment. Maybe you can journal some words you know in the language that will soon be native to you. Just remember, it is completely normal to feel any range of emotions that come up, both good, bad, and sometimes both and anything in between! This is a new experience, so I promise you it is completely normal and you will be just fine, and everything will work out. Remember, have fun, pay close attention to your surroundings, do not put your guard down as you travel, and keep an open mind!

Writing this article honestly made me so excited, because this was one of the best things I have ever done, and I cannot recommend studying abroad enough. It is a chance for you to explore the world, and be independent! I wish you the best of luck (if this article hasn’t convinced you enough) on your new journey!

Sophia Halajian

Endicott '25

Love to create and design. Studies interior design and fashion design. Absolutely love music and getting out in nature!