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Finals as Told by Michael Scott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

When your professor tells you that the final IS NOT cumulative


When you look at the exam and realized you know nothing


Trying to study with someone who understands all the material.


When your professor asks you a question you are supposed to know the answer to.


Trying to cheer yourself up before a really hard exam.

When your professor sees you around campus after the exam and says “nice job on the final!”

When you’re trying to talk yourself down after feeling like you’ve failed 5 exams in a row even though you studied for 954875578 hours straight.


When your parents tell you they’re disappointed with your grades this semester.

When somehow you pulled off B’s on all your exams.

When the end of the week is near and you laugh uncontrollably at complete nonsense.

And finally, when it’s the last day of finals and you’re dead. You just can’t function anymore and packing is not happening anytime soon.

Passionate peer educator and self proclaimed sexpert. I enjoy talking dirty about the anatomy of the human body. More often than not, you'll find me binge watching Ted Talks. Happiest nanny to three wonderful kiddos. And I'll never forget that everyday is a a great day to be a gull.
Just a girl who loves bread, exercise and traveling.