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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Spring Into Spring With Healthy Habits

A daily countdown and checklist to keep yourself on track and feeling happy and healthy.

9 Thousand Steps  

Getting 9,000 steps in a day adds around 4-5 miles into your daily exercise. Of course you should have an actual workout, but keeping on your feet is a healthy habit. Not only is it a basic requirement for good health but it can also help to lower blood pressure and glucose levels. Even just taking a walk during your lunch break with a friend or taking a phone call on a walk proves to be a nice stress reliever and energizer. So get your step on!

8 Hours of Sleep

The healthy amount of sleep for the average adult is around 7-8 hours. I know it can be hard to get to bed at a decent time, and many of us have trouble sleeping but you can try to schedule your sleep, avoid stimulants, make your bed comfy, and exercise to help. There are also other things that might help, like using a diffuser with a lavender oil, a sound machine, or meditation. Just find what works best for your body and stick to that.


7 Glasses of Water

You need to stay hydrated because that has a huge factor in your energy levels and brain function. Water helps keep you happy, motivated, and concentrated. It can also aid headaches, and balance your calories. Try to add lemon, ice, or diffusion of any fruit if you don’t like plain water.

6 Minutes of Meditation

Often times people do not take time to be at peace with themselves and truly focus on their thoughts and feelings. People’s days are rushed and it can feel selfish to take time to yourself, but taking that time is very important to be connected. It makes you happier because meditation causes the pituitary gland in our brain to secrete endorphins that help elevate mood and the practice associates with positive emotional experiences. It relieves stress as well because you can forget all the little stresses in your life and focus on the exploration of yourself. Doing this daily brings a sense of structure and discipline in your life.


5 Servings of Fruits and Veggies

This one is an obvious, your mom has probably used every trick in the book when you were young to get you to eat broccoli. But now it’s up to you to be choosing the right foods for your body. Making sure to get enough fruits and veggies is crucial in staying fit and energized. You need the nutrition to keep a fast acting immune system, and those tight abs.

4 Breaks Stretching / Mental

This goes along with mediation, just make sure you take a couple minutes between doing things to pause and evaluate your motives and goals during the day. The constant work, work, work is not going to make you happy and healthy. You deserve a few minutes to breathe and prevent yourself from a mental breakdown.

3 Healthy Meals & 3 Healthy Snacks

Include those fruits and veggies into your meals and snacks throughout the day. Healthy snacks are usually very filling and can be delicious if you have the right combos. This is a good chart to get ideas from!

2 Hours of No Phone Before Sleep

This can be the ultimate struggle for people, especially now when everyone is so connected to their phones. I know it can be hard to let go, but once you get into the habit of it then it becomes easy. This will overall just improve your sleep because your phone is a stimulant and has so much on it that will keep your mind going all night long. Use this time to catch up on some homework or a good book. Maybe this is your time for meditation or exercise. Find what is good for you and makes you feel the most tired and relaxed to get the best night sleep possible.

1 Workout Session

Not only does exercise make you feel and look like a totally hot badass, but it is super important to your health. This is going to give you that healthy summer body that everyone talks about. It reduces stress, builds muscle and strength, and will overall make your body feel great. A half an hour to an hour each day is perfect. Get creative and have fun exercising.