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Advice You Should Have Followed From Yo’ Mama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

In the run up to Mother’s Day, Elly Brookfield gives us the run-down on the advice we should have listened to from good old mum…

1. Be nice to your siblings

It took you a little while to let this pearl of wisdom settle in you. Because that little idiot was annoying. I mean REALLY annoying. And strangling him Homer and Bart style felt bloody good sometimes. But the gal’s right when she says its important to get along with your sibling, when you’re singing him ‘birthday sick’ while he chunders up cake and jaeger in the pub carpark on his eighteenth or you’re organizing joint kids v parents espionage to avoid trouble you realize how lucky you are to finally have the little tyke on your team. And how many years wasted trying to get the other in trouble when you could have been helping each other. And maybe a teeny bit of regret might set in about those times you tied a tape measure round his neck and took him for walkies in the garden.

yeah, sorry bro.

2. Maybe go easy on the eyeliner/ side fringe

You thought you looked pretty fab then, rocking the comb-over sweep thing with the single exposed kohl covered eyeball peaking out. But it wasn’t hot, oh no. It was pretty effing far from it. Its also a pretty unfortunately timed trend considering one Facebook stalking click in the wrong direction means our undignified exposure in all our 14 year old glory. We should have listened to you, mothers of the UK, emo-chic is not a ting.

It ain’t cute.


3. Lay off the crop tops when you’re the michelan man girl-child

We all had a fat stage. Am I right? No? Just me? Alrighty then.

Just say no.

4. Distance yourself from that friend, she seems like trouble

There’s something about a Mother’s intuition when it comes to boys and friends, and by that I mean they’re always  right.

She was your absolute bezzie mate at the time, granted it was more of a –she-said-jump you politely asked how high – sort of deal, you misguidedly accepted that, like the plastics, it was better to be in with her, hating life, than not to be at all. But your Mum fought back the urge to shout ‘I told you so’ and instead begrudgingly picked you back up after all the spectacular rows, and ten years down the line you wouldn’t even recognize one another in the street, or at least, you’d pretend not to. Should’ve listened, sorry mama.

5. Look after your skin

When you’re living the unay dream, its tempting to take an ‘aintnobodygottimeforthat’ sort of approach to skincare. But when your sun and alcohol ravaged 20-year old skin has more wrinkles on it than your Mum’s 50-something baby smooth skin then you start to realize maybe there was something to that ‘cleanse, tone, moisturize’ thing after all. Oh well, too late now I guess.


6. You are beautiful

Genuine compliments don’t always come easy in life. But when your Mum tells you how fab you are you just have to believe; you’re half her so of course she thinks you’re the shiz. Even if you were more Honey Boo Boo than Hilary Duff in your younger days, a little bit of ego boosting never did anyone any harm.

7. Enjoy your youth and don’t wish the time away

Cause by jingo it goes quickly. But that’s one piece of advice we’ve never struggled too hard with. #yolo #lovelyf #thanksmum


Photo Credits: Tumblr.com, Facebook.com