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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It’s commonly known that when a girl runs out of foundation, tragedy strikes! Or how about when we splash out on that amazing expensive new foundation that we’re so keen on trying out, but then are hugely disappointed when it didn’t live up to our expectations? Well fear not ladies, I have the perfect solution for these problems! If you are keen on investing on a new product that is slightly over your budget, HerCampus recommends doing a little research beforehand to find out what experiences others have had with the product. Young online beauty bloggers such as the amazing BeautyCrush, regularly try out pricey beauty products coming from the likes of Chanel, MAC, Yves Saint Laurent and even from high-street brands such as Rimmel and Topshop, and they review them focusing on what they loved about the products and what they found disappointing. I am an admitted beauty blogger fanatic- watching videos about their monthly favourite products or recent make up and fashion hauls on YouTube is the ideal method of procrastination for me, and I’m sure that any girl who gives it a go will find it just as addictive!

Another amazing thing about these bloggers is that not only do they review make up and skincare products, they also share their fashion style tips on new trends in the fashion scene – an extra bonus. 

If your style is daring and grungy, this girl is definitely one to keep your eyes on. She nails the Vamp trend which is so hot this season, showing you amazing high-street buys including leather, oxblood colours and baroque detailing on clothing. She is not afraid to experiment with daring make up such as dramatic winged eyeliner and dark berry lip shades. You can find her at http://www.beautycrush.co.uk or on YouTube in her beautycrush channel.

If your style of fashion and make up is more on the preppy and dainty side, then make your way onto Youtube and search for MissGlamorazzi. This American blogger is not afraid to include bright pinks and neons in her outfits and nail polishes. Along with all the beauty gurus, MissGlamorazzioften reviews new products, talks about her favourite monthly beauty items and even records make up tutorials which are easy to follow, and can help any girl look fabulous on a night out or on a romantic dinner out with your man!

The Chapman sisters, also known as Pixiwoo on Youtube are not only the founders of the incredible RealTechniques make up brushes (a definite must have in your make up bag!), they also frequently upload make up tutorials which range from crazy Halloween looks to videos on attaining celebrity make up looks, by following really easy steps. Before I had ever watched these tutorials, I was not the best at doing my makeup (achieving the perfect winged liner is something I have been working on for YEARS!) but the sisters make it so easy that anyone can attain their fabulous looks! Pixiwoo have recently created their own online beauty magazine called TWO Magazine which you can subscribe to free of charge to catch up on the latest make up collections and top tips given by some of the best makeup artists out there.

So there you have it ladies, the perfect solution for that dilemma on whether to invest on that pricey foundation or even for when you want to extend your make up skills to impress your friends on any special occasion!


Pircture credits: http://makeupandbeauty.com/page/3/