Let’s face it, some trends that us girls go for are slightly bizarre and yet we indulge in them, perhaps because they are fashionable or because we assume that they will make us ‘attractive’. But do we ever stop to think about whether they are appealing to the opposite sex? Here at HCX we’ve decided to do some research into what guys really think of the latest trends that all the girls love. You might find it surprising…
Trend Number 1: THE DUCK FACE
That pose plenty of us pull when trying to look seductive? Big no no!
Although a lot of girls seem to be susceptible to throwing out a duck face on a night out, none of us really admit to liking it. And it turns out boys like it even less, with 82% of the boys we asked being completely opposed to it. The others just laughed about it! Most statements were extremely negative with one boy saying:
“Absolutely horrible. Men like women (in general), not ducks. Be more women-like please.”
Trend Number 2: THE TOP KNOT
This trend works for some girls but not for others according to the boys…
This trend got slightly more positive reviews however the general consensus was that it is simply nothing special. Almost half the boys asked disliked the trend, with the rest saying that it really depends on the girl. Some guys actually used the words “skin tone” and “facial shape” to decide who looked better rocking the top knot. Who would have thought that they were so discerning with the latest trends?!
Trend Number 3: THE BIG EYEBROWS
The majority are against this “bloke brow” fashion statement….
As with the duck face, a whopping 82% disliked these babies, referring to them as “evil”, “horrible” and “ridiculous”, with the others taking a more neutral approach. But according to the men, don’t be tempted to go too far the other way, as apparantly too thin is not good either. “A healthy in between” is better for all involved (way to be specific, gentlemen!).
Trend Number 4: THE FAKE TAN
Orange? No!… In moderation? No problem!
No man was ‘pro’ this trend as such, in the sense that it is often overdone and guys (apparantly) really do prefer the natural look! If applied sparingly to give you a bit of colour in the winter months, it is more popular. “’Bronzed’ is good, ORANGE is rubbish.”
Trend Number 5: THE PIXIE CUT
This one is hard to pull off…
The majority of responses to this trend involved raving about love for the lovely Emma Watson; we think the boys go a bit distracted from the main point! However the majority of responses indicated that unless you really could pull it off – think Frankie from the Saturdays and Natalie Portman – it is probably best to steer clear. It really is a hard one to pull off, with many feeling it makes you look like a boy.
Trend Number 6: THE FRINGE
This has more fans than others…
Overall the fringe got the most positive response, with only 18% being against it, 35% for, and 47% saying once again that it depended on the girl. According to the boys, just be careful that a fringe is for you: some said it was a “mummy cut” and others found it more common on young teens.
Trend Number 7: THE DARK LIPS
Opt for sexy rather than gothic…
35% of guys were against this trend whilst the other 65% went between “for” and “depends”. The guys we asked thought that as long as your whole outfit was not too dark, and that you can pull it off, you’re good to go! With the spring coming, this one will probably be changing anyway, so don’t get too attached!
So there we have it, perhaps there is many a trend that we need to rethink! Maybe it’s time to get some new ones if we want to appeal to the men out there. On the other hand, the purpose of ‘trends’ aren’t usually solely to attract the opposite sex: if a certain look is your style, then work it girl!
Look out for our Spring Trend articles coming out shortly for some inspiration!
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