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Exeter Campus Cat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Term has just set in, the library has become your second home and it is safe to say that a certain feline friend is making a name for themselves in Streatham court- the Exeter Campus Cat. Whether he/she (we don’t like to discriminate) is silking round the library or joining the party in halls, it is safe to see that s/he is not too far away. HCX caught up with her for an exclusive interview. 

First things first, how does it feel to be campus celebrity?

Well, it is wonderful to be appreciated. I mean it is a tough life slinking about between the library and Amory, bringing joy into studying students lives. It is fabulous to get the recognition that I deserve. I have my own Facebook page and following this, I forsee things only going up. Who knows, you might see me in the new Garfield movie next-watch this space. 

What is your favourite part of Exeter?

I would have to say my favourite spot is in the library- controvercial I know but there is something very comforting about being surrounded by books and people. You are never lonely after a stressful day cheering people up. I also enjoy the green pastures where I can spread my legs.

How are you finding life in the spotlight? Can it be tough?

Darling it is is wonderful. Besides being followed round by papparazzi, you are always treated to some lovely food. I do like myself a tuna melt panini from Costa. Only the best for an Exeter cat.

Other than skulking round campus, what do you like to do in your spare time?

A favourite past time of mine is wandering down to the quay to go fishing. I have heard my pals in Exeter talking about sharking, I think that I am definitely more of a fishing kinda person. Sharks are scary. 

Do you have any potential love interests at the moment?

A cat’s life is complicated. And with my new found fame, I just do not know which felines to trust anymore. Those tom cats are suuuuch play boys. I am just going to enjoy being single for a bit- love me and all that!

If you could give Exeter students going through exams some advice, what would it be?

Like my Facebook page and proscratinate with me. If that fails, turn into a cat. 

Any final thoughts? Meaow.