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Fresher’s Week 2013: 5 Things We Learnt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

By Charlotte Bell and Ness Sharman 

Returning Exeter students look forward to Fresher’s Week almost more than the first years themselves. However, despite the best of intentions, it can often turn out to be a little bit of a disappointment!  

Here HCX share the most important lessons that we learnt during Fresher’s Week 2013, which we hope to carry through the whole year:

1) A&E is NOT a nice place to be on a Saturday night.

Our first night back in Exeter would not have been complete without a late night trip to hospital. Last year, between us we made five trips to the local emergencies, therefore the only way to begin this year was to yet again be waiting among the very best of the Exeter locals. Our top advice from this is to firstly not be so careless: knocking your teeth out on the first night of Fresher’s really is not the best way to begin the year! Secondly, if you do find yourselves in this situation take full advantage of the estate patrol – they really are very useful and will get you to the hospital very quickly and for free. So save their number to your phone!

2)  Go out Early

Fresher’s week is manic. Let’s face it who wants to be waiting in a Timepiece queue that almost reaches the high street? The only alternative is to be super keen and get there early for a stamp, then head back to pre-drinks (for a cheaper option) or relax at the bar and get a few more drinks down you. 

3)  Go on Socials

Whether with a sport, subject or a bizarre hobby, societies really are great fun and one of the best ways to broaden your social group. Although as a member of a sports society I may be slightly biased in my opinion, I really do think that fancy dress, Timepiece top floor and the subsequent cheesy chips on a Wednesday night are the highlight of the week. Don’t be intimidated, socials are for everyone!

4) Learn to EG

Over the summer you may have become a bit too relaxed with Exeter drinking rules, but since arriving back you most certainly would have had it embedded into you that you must EG your glass if you want to stand a chance of remembering the night!

5) Embrace the Hangover

Even with all of the vitamin C tablets our mums may have packed us off with, there is no way of escaping the dreaded hangover. We’re by no means saying drink less, just accept the fact that early mornings are written off and that you may not be having the most productive of days. Hopefully in a few weeks’ time our bodies will have adjusted to the party lifestyle again.


Fresher’s is an absolutely crazy week; it’s an experience (whether good or bad) that you will never forget, so here’s hoping the coming year will be a lot more successful than our first week! 

Check out what HCX got up to during Fresher’s week here

Picture Credits: www.chep-flyer-printer.comwww.tumblr.com

Laura is a third year English Literature student at the University of Exeter. Laura has been a member of Her Campus since 2012, when she decided it was time to actually get involved in something CV worthy. Since joining HCX Laura has been heavily involved with the Culture team writing on everything from film reviews to blogging about what to do on your day off. Having never been involved in journalism before Laura has been pleasantly surprised by how much she has enjoyed her time at HCX. This year Laura is lucky enough to be the editor of Local Culture, and is relishing the excuse to explore Exeter in search of article ideas instead of tackling her extensive reading list. When Laura isn't writing for Her Campus, or staring aimlessly at her laptop in the library hoping a first class essay will miraculously appear, she loves to socialise with friends and explore the area surrounding Exeter (especially if it involves a beach).This summer Laura will be interning at OK! Magazine in their online department, as well as gaining work experience in the press office at Arsenal Football Club. Laura will also be relaxing with friends and family and booking as many holidays as possible. After University Laura wants to pursue a career in public relations in the travel and lifestyle industries. She intends to put off becoming an adult for at least another year by embarking on the classic 'gap year' experience and travelling the world- all in the aid of her future career of course...