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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

This week’s campus cutie is the rather gorgeous George, and ladies, the best bit is he’s single. Enough said…

Name: George Hobbs

Year: 3rd

Course: History

Relationship Status: Single

Home Town: Tooting, London


What activities are you involved with on campus?

Sports Editor of Exepose Online, golf bandit for the EUGC.

What’s your favourite uni moment so far?

Until this, being given three free drinks vouchers at Arena for helping erect their metal railings outside

What would be your ultimate holiday?

Australia to watch the Ashes, surfing (body-boarding), and hand-feeding kangaroos/koalas

How would your friends describe you in 3 words:

Aspiring Francis Bouille

What 3 items would you take with you to a dessert island?

Sky Sports News, Domino’s and a snorkel

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

If not raking it in in Vegas, then probably sweeping the streets of Brixton

What is your favourite night out?

Curry Club at the Chev on a Thursday, few quid in the quizzy, then Arena.

What do you look for in a girl?

A blonde, banterous babe

What are the top 3 songs you are listening to at the moment?

Titanium x3, by David Guetta in case you didn’t know.