Her Campus had the pleasure of talking to Ignacio Laiseca this week. We had a little catch up about his new committee position in EU Football club, after having recently been selected Intramural Sec.
Name: Ignacio Laiseca (Nacho to friends)
Year: 2nd Year
Degree: Mathematics and Economics
Relationship Status: He’s single girls!
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Confident, unpredictable and passionate.
So I hear you’ve gained a committee role for UEFC, is football a big part of your life?
Yes definitely, I have been playing it since I was 3 years old. My whole life is around football. When I came to England (as I’m Spanish, you probably guessed from the accent), football was a great way to meet new people who had something in common with me.
What do you look for in a girl?
Um a female… No seriously, easy going, sweet, shorter than me and I know it is a little clichĂ© but beautiful eyes.
How would you describe your ideal date?
Something chilled like grabbing a coffee followed by a nice walk along the quay, on a sunny day would be a bonus!
Where can you often be found if not out on the football pitch?
Well I am a Timepiece regular so often on the dancefloor, especially for Wednesday Football Socials.
Do you have any interests?
Basketball, snowboarding is great fun and I really like listening to music on my Vinyl, I must admit I am quite a collector!
Have you had any memorable experiences?
I have flown a plane with the RAF before! You don’t easily forget doing a summersault in the air!