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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Her Campus had the pleasure of talking to Ignacio Laiseca this week. We had a little catch up about his new committee position in EU Football club, after having recently been selected Intramural Sec.

Name: Ignacio Laiseca (Nacho to friends)

Year: 2nd Year

Degree: Mathematics and Economics

Relationship Status: He’s single girls!


How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Confident, unpredictable and passionate.

So I hear you’ve gained a committee role for UEFC, is football a big part of your life?

Yes definitely, I have been playing it since I was 3 years old. My whole life is around football. When I came to England (as I’m Spanish, you probably guessed from the accent), football was a great way to meet new people who had something in common with me.

What do you look for in a girl?

Um a female… No seriously, easy going, sweet, shorter than me and I know it is a little clichĂ© but beautiful eyes.

How would you describe your ideal date?

Something chilled like grabbing a coffee followed by a nice walk along the quay, on a sunny day would be a bonus!

Where can you often be found if not out on the football pitch?

Well I am a Timepiece regular so often on the dancefloor, especially for Wednesday Football Socials.

Do you have any interests?

Basketball, snowboarding is great fun and I really like listening to music on my Vinyl, I must admit I am quite a collector!

Have you had any memorable experiences?

I have flown a plane with the RAF before! You don’t easily forget doing a summersault in the air!


Charlotte is a third year Maths and English student who is President for HCX. She loves reading about the history of major designers and browsing through their latest collections and enjoys running, ice skating and partying! She is also interested in making and designing clothes as well as buying them and has taken several courses in pattern design for Womenswear. A few years ago she ran her own small business making and selling shorts and lounge pants which she hopes to restart soon.  She loves visiting new places and would love to travel to France to improve her French and learn more about the culture and fashion. She thoroughly enjoyed being Deputy Editor for the Fashion and Beauty team in her second year so is very excited to be part of the inspirational HCX team for a third year.