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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

While its only September and we’ve still got three more months of the year to go, it’s fair to say that 2013 has seen some astonishing headlines already! Here at HCX, we’ve looked back over the past year and come up with our predictions for the Top 5 stories of 2013 so far:

5.Death of Margaret Thatcher – On the 8th April this year, former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died after several years of ill health. Maggie was a contentious leader, her divisive policies earning her the title of ‘ The Iron Lady’. Even her state funeral was a controversial talking point with protesters questioning its £1.2 million price tag. Regardless of your opinion on Maggie, the death of the first female Prime Minister reminded us of the progressive steps she helped women to take in politics. 

4.  Bad man Bieber – This year has seen several young celebrities in crisis including: Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes. But Justin Bieber’s fall from grace has certainly been the best documented.  After breaking up with Disney sweetheart Selena Gomez, Bieber has been embroiled in various scandals including turning up to concerts hours late, getting into altercations with paparazzi, being accused of battery and dangerous driving; and even spitting on his own fans from a hotel balcony. Is Justin’s behaviour a cry for help or the repercussions of fame having going to his head? 


3.Syria – The deteriorating political situation in Syria has been at the forefront of both British and American politics over the last few weeks. The alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government on its own people has prompted serious thought on both sides of the pond as to whether to take military action

2.Operation Yewtree – Unfortunately one of the stories that continues to dominate British headlines this year is the ongoing police investigation into sexual abuse, predominately against children. While the reports initially began against deceased British television personality Sir Jimmy Savile, there have since been over 400 different lines of enquiry against other famous names. Most recently, Australian entertainer Rolf Harris was charged with 13 accounts of sexual abuse. 

Birth of Prince George – This summer saw the birth of a baby the whole world had been waiting for. Of course, this was Prince George Alexander Louis, the first child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Prince George is currently third in line to the throne, after his grandfather Prince Charles and Dad, Prince William. Although the Royal Family may have its critics, at HCX, we can’t help but think the newborn future King is still very cute!

These are only predictions as to the most important news stories of the year so far, who knows what else 2013 might bring!

Alex is currently a Second year English student and is the 2013/14 Deputy Editor for Current Affairs at Her Campus Exeter. Being very passionate about English and in particular journalism, HerCampus is likely to take over Alex's life. But when she isn't writing, blogging or helping the HerCampus Exeter team in whatever way she can, Alex enjoys playing guitar and singing; hopefully well! She is also interested in musical theatre and can often be found humming show tunes absentmindedly. Alex hopes HerCampus will be one of her first steps in a career towards journalism.