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Healthier Ways To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It’s getting to that time of the term when, for many of us, deadlines are fast approaching. Unfortunately, for most of us, what usually goes hand in hand with deadlines is unhealthy snacking. Comfort eating is sometimes one of the only things to get you through a particularly bad essay and for those of you with a sweet tooth, this is even more of a problem. However, in indulging in these unhealthy snacks we actually end up making more work for ourselves since the high sugar and fat content often leaves us feeling fatigued and also craving more sugar. If this sounds like something you struggle with then fear not because Her Campus has found for you a few healthier ways that you can satisfy your sweet tooth over the next few weeks.

It’s late at night and your sweet tooth is kicking in, you’ve been slugging over your essay for a good few hours now and all you can think about is that Cadbury’s chocolate bar lying unclaimed on the kitchen table. Well girls, why don’t you try a small mug of hot chocolate instead? The instant hot chocolate sachets, which are readily available are perfect for this. With some of them at only 80 calories a cup, they really are a much better alternative to snacking than a full fat chocolate bar. Not only is this a great comfort when you’re up late studying hard but is also immensely satisfying and certain to take the edge off of your sugary cravings.


After a long day on campus, I often find myself reaching for a cereal bar to snack on however, this may come as a surprise to many of you that cereal bars aren’t such a healthy snack. They are more often than not filled with sugars and vegetable oils making them not much better for us than a bar of chocolate is. Fear not, Sesame Snaps are a delicious, sweet snack and as it happens, a lot healthier for us than cereal bars. Sesame snaps are rich in omega 3 oils and the crunchy texture also helps to quench our hunger faster than chocolate. A packet of Sesame Snaps contains approximately 144 calories, making them the perfect snack to help us through those long days in the library.

It’s important to remember that we all have weaknesses and suffer from these sweet cravings but the worst thing we could do is constantly deny ourselves a sugary treat. Chocolate may be the weakness for many of you girls out there but Her Campus has a great alternative for you to try. Dark Chocolate. Not only does dark chocolate have numerous health benefits, from lowering blood pressure to controlling our blood sugar levels, it also tastes really good. One or two cubes of dark chocolate can really help with those sweet cravings and you really don’t have to feel guilty about this snack.


Popcorn is becoming more and more popular in our supermarkets and has recently been termed one of the most fashionable snacks on our shelves. Perhaps what has led to this well deserved popularity is the fact that popcorn is low in calories and it tastes good! Which, lets face it, is not a combination we are very familiar with. Popcorn is also enriched with antioxidants that strengthen our bodies and help us to fight disease. Popcorn makes for the perfect evening snack to accompany the latest episode of your favourite TV series. Why not try melting a small spoon of dark chocolate and then drizzling this over some plain popcorn. If that doesn’t sound like a mouth watering snack then I don’t know what does.

As students, we are often on the lookout for quick, on-the-go snacks that we can take with us when we’ve got a particularly busy day on campus. Well, Her Campus may have found such a snack. Dried apricots are a perfect way to get your sugary sweet fix for the day. They have a deliciously candied taste it could almost be as if you were tucking in to a huge bag of pick ‘n’ mix, apart from the fact that this snack is actually a lot healthier for you. Dried apricots are excellent sources of several important nutrients, including fibre, potassium and antioxidants. They are often purchased is conveniently re-sealable packets which makes them even more of an ideal snack.


In order to tackle your sweet cravings, its always a good idea to start the day out well, eating a healthy and satisfying breakfast. The ideal breakfast to help with these cravings is Greek yogurt with berries and a small drizzle of honey. Not only is this such a healthy and delicious breakfast but it is also sweet enough to keep you satisfied for the day.

If you’re concerned about fitting in one of your important five-a-day into your sweet filled diet then why not try apple slices with peanut butter. The crunchy texture of both leave you feeling full and content with the fact that your sweet cravings having finally been met.


So, next time you need your sugar fix, try one of these delicious and healthy alternatives to get you through the day.

Image Credits: pinterest.com