Summer is over and university has begun. I’m sure a lot of us are in a similar situation- you’ve indulged, partied and enjoyed the summer months, so now is the perfect time for a fresh start. It may seem difficult at first but by following these handy tips you can be well on your way to a getting back on track.
Take it back to basics
In order to get back to your old self, it’s important to remember the basics with your diet. Plenty of vegetables, protein, and good quality carbohydrate sources, such as quinoa and sweet potatoes, will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to feel healthy again.
Drink plenty of water
This cannot be stressed enough! Drinking at least two litres of water a day will solve a whole host of problems; it will improve your skin, it will lesson your desire to overeat, and it will prevent bloating- just to name a few! Once your water intake is in-tact a healthy diet will follow naturally.
Do exercise that you enjoy
If you feel like you’re dragging yourself to the gym every day, then don’t. There is no point in carrying out exercise that you don’t enjoy! Use this fresh start as an opportunity to try something new, whether it be yoga, dancing, walking, swimming… there are so many different ways to get your blood flowing
Take one day at a time
It’s great to have big plans for your future self but it is so important to take each day as it comes. Focus on making a healthy change: have fruit instead of a chocolate bar, walk instead of taking the bus… making these small changes will lead you on the journey to becoming a better you. Don’t forget, it’s okay to have treats and its okay to go off track sometimes. But making daily conscious decisions until it becomes a habit is the best way to lead a healthy lifestyle.