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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We have all heard of the term ‘That Girl’; it’s taken TikTok by storm, not to mention Pinterest feeds. Let’s break down this phenomenon, so you too can understand how you can become ‘That Girl’.

‘That Girl’, is a term used to describe someone who essentially has it together, from health and wellness, to showing up as the best version of herself each day. While this phrase has had negative connotations in the past for promoting an unrealistic lifestyle, particularly its allusions to a person who workouts out every day, walks 10,000 steps a day, and drinks smoothies 24/7, I believe this perception is wrong. 

At the end of the day, ‘That Girl’ is someone who just tries each day to show up as the highest version of herself, one who tries to do better for herself, and give herself grace the days she cannot. 

Here are a small few ways that can help you become ‘That Girl’

  1. A morning routine 

A morning routine really does set you up for the rest of the day, and has such positive impacts. It’s important to avoid using social media first thing in the morning, as when we first wake up our brain is operating in a theta wave state, which is heavily associated with the relaxation and the subconscious mind. This state is ideal for visualisation and manifestation, it’s important to make the most of this state before the brain shifts to beta waves, which operates at a higher frequency and is linked to conscious though processes.

  1. Movement 

I have used the term ‘movement’ here instead of exercise, because any form of movement is better than nothing. Some days you may be able to do the high-intensive 45-minute workout, while other days yoga may be more to your liking. Whatever you decide, your body will thank you for moving it in whatever way feels good to you. 

  1. Skincare 

‘That Girl’s’ skincare routine is quite simply really – having a consistent skincare routine can work miracles. It takes 6-8 weeks to determine how effective a skincare product is, if you switch products every week how will you know what is effective for you? Granted, a particular item that works for wonders for one person, may not do the same for you and vice versa. Keep it simple; find a solid cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. Once you’ve established this, then you can slowly build it from there, without falling into the trap of skincare consumerism.

I hope these tips aid you in your self-growth journey and remember to always be kind to yourself, it’s called a journey for a reason


Fashion xo

Idman Ismail

Exeter '26

Hii, I’m Idman Ismail a BSc 2nd year psychology student at the University of Exeter and Fashion Editor for HerCampus Exeter. I love all things fashion ,self growth, kdramas and romance novels <3