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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

In the absence of cardiac hill, the vast quantity of sports societies we have in Exeter in addition to all the incredible food that our year abroad offers us you can imagine that after over two months here in Italy I am beginning to somewhat resemble a pizza myself…I have complied a list of suggestions to follow if you wish to avoid this rather unfortunate fate.

“Just go for a jog”, they said. “It would be fun”, they said. Now for many of you this might be the optimal solution. It’s free, you are out enjoying the fresh air whilst also exploring the new place you are in. I don’t know about you but when I run I can just about manage to keep myself from passing out and put one foot in front of the other never mind taking in the scenery and soaking in the atmosphere. So if sweating and panting your way around the city is not exactly the impression you are going for then there are plenty of other ways to keep fit and healthy whilst you’re abroad. 
Bikes are the best: 
Compared to Exeter every other town in the world seems flat, so get online and find a cheap second bike! It is the perfect way to get from place to place. It is not only a fast mode of transport but it is also safer than walking home alone. Although it may seem like a bit of an investment at the time, calculate the amount of time and money you spend on the bus or metro and it will soften the blow. If you can convince a few friends to get one as well it makes it much more fun.
TIP: If you are in a country where they drive on the other side of the road be careful whilst cycling especially the roundabouts.
Almost everyone has either a smart phone or a laptop these days so use them to your advantage. There are a hundreds of great fitness apps and YouTube videos available online for free.  If your Erasmus grant just doesn’t stretch enough for a gym membership these apps are great. (Note: You can mute them if the annoying perky woman in very tight spandex telling you that ‘you will feel the satisfaction of this tomorrow‘ becomes too much to handle). My favorite is called Workout Trainer (the belly blast workout is one of the hardest stomach workouts I have ever done)
In most gyms now they allow you to pay by the class. So if you fancy trying something new without wanting to commit fully to a gym membership this can be a really handy option. It is also a great way to meet people and if you are living in a country where english is not the spoken language it is a fantastic way to learn new vocabulary (not sure I will use the italian words for legs, bums and tums in my oral exam but sure every little helps). 
It is not just exercise that will aid the battle against the bulge but also smart food choices. Living in Italy for me this is the hardest. The culture here revolves around food from the pastry with your morning coffee, to the gelato that is deemed compulsory following every meal despite being throughly enjoyable it is not beneficial for the waist line! 
On your year abroad you want to be as sociable as possible and accept invitations that come your way. Unfortunately social gatherings tend to revolve around either food or drink this is where making smart food choices becomes crucial. Make no mistake, I am in no way telling you to chose a side salad over a mouth watering risotto or a delicious crispy pizza but what I would advise is to plan ahead. If you know you are going out for dinner, make sure breakfast and lunch are lighter than usual. Instead of choosing the creamy carbonara go for a spicy tomato based sauce. Just as nice but often less than half the calories. Also if you attempt to cook healthy meals at home then you can afford to indulge when you are eating out. I don’t know about you but the heap of pasta smothered in cheese that comes out of my kitchen at home does not even come close to the delicious dishes that you can buy in cafes, bars and restaurants. 
Alcohol is also a major contributor to the year abroad bulge. If you feel like alcohol is something you do not want to go without (I understand!) then aim to steer clear of the sugary cocktails, pints of beer and downing entire bottles of wine (no matter how cheap and tempting they might be). A vodka lime cordial or vodka with slimline tonic are just as tasty without the overload of unnecessary calories. 
Saying this, the key thing to remember is everything in moderation. Your year abroad is all about enjoying yourself and immersing yourself in every aspect of the culture in the country you in. If you like me, are in a country where culture seems to equal food it seems necessary to submerge yourself completely and utterly.. At least thats what i’m telling myself.. 

Photo Credits: rochellegroh.files.wordpress.com, momentummag.com, 3.bp.blogspot.com

An Irish 2nd year student, studying psychology and Italian at the University of Exeter, with a love of sports, healthy food and anything outdoorsy!