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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

So us girls at HCX like our food, and we think we’ve discovered our ultimate staple food for uni life. Healthy, tasty, versatile and simple, we don’t think you can find a better (or cheaper) option for dinner: Sweet Potatoes!

Sweet potatoes have made a comeback recently, featuring on multiple menus in the nicest of restaurants. But who has ÂŁ3.95 to spend on what are essentially fancy chips? Sweet potato fries are so easy to make at home, and why stop there? Here is a list of our top tips for sweet potato based meals, we hope you become just as obsessed as us.

Fries: Firstly, make sure the potatoes are dry before cooking them, so wash them in advance. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika and oil for a tangy taste, and chop them smaller than normal if you want a speedy meal.

Mash: This is pretty self explanatory. Again, cut the potatoes smaller so they boil quicker, it usually takes about 15 minutes. Make sure you mash thoroughly, adding lots of butter, salt and pepper – there’s nothing worse than lumpy mash. Add some creme fraiche for flavour and texture. If you make more than needed, save it for the next day and microwave for a hassle free dinner.

Baked Sweet Potato: An easy and delicious dinner. Simply stab all over with a fork (great for releasing that pent up anger), pop in the microwave for 8 minutes and then bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, just like a normal baked potato. Add some creme fraiche, and eat with spinach, tomatoes and some spicy sausages.

Not only will all these meals taste incredible, they will leave you feeling guilt free (so help yourself to as much chocolate as you want in the evening – you deserve it) and look fancy enough to leave your house mates in awe of your incredible cooking skills.

I'm Lucy Tillott, a 19 year old Liberal Arts student at the University of Exeter, but am originally from Birmingham. I am studying English and Politics and love getting into debates, which is probably why I am the Current Affairs editor of the Exeter chapter of HerCampus. I was a writer for the current affairs section of HerCampus last year, and loved the opportunity to write every week, make friends, and involve myself in the comradery of HerCampus. I hope to be heavily involved with the thriving community of Exeter HerCampus while sparking an interest in current affairs in our readers.