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The Ultimate Guide to Whimsy-Twee Fashion

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

For fans of bright colours, nostalgic motifs, and out-there patterns, the return of twee and whimsy is the fashion comeback for you. Twee was regarded as a creative alternative to the mainstream in the 2000s and 2010s, creating a safe space for quirky, childlike fashion lovers. If you’ve seen New Girl, you’ll understand the colourful legacy of Zooey Deschanel’s character ‘Jess’, regularly rocking a lot of polka dots and glitter. This iconic style has evolved into a refreshingly new look, hailed by some as ‘whimsy-twee’ on TikTok and beyond. Using techniques like chunky, colourful accessories and unique patterns intertwining on one’s silhouette, a sense of childlike wonder and experimental curiosity is harnessed. There are many elements to this style, so this breakdown guide is here to help you access your inner whimsy.

media inspiration

We can’t explore this style’s motivation without discussing twee representation in the media. Its 2020s comeback is highlighted by a range of audios often being re-popularised on TikTok. For example, the sweet, acoustic sound of Kimya Dawson’s songs, namely ‘Being Cool’, ‘You Love Me’, and ‘Anyone Else But You’, is charming in a youthful sort of way. This is emphasised by the latter song’s appearance in twee-hailed film Juno, which tells the heart-warming story of an oddball teenage girl navigating an unexpected pregnancy. The film Dinner In America is also a source of inspiration for this style, following a love story of social outcasts with a playful soundtrack, the main character singing the line, ‘Fuck ‘em all but us’ as a simultaneous rejection of their stigmatisation and embracing of their unique relationship. Following the legacy of Zooey Deschanel, the film 500 Days of Summer displays the Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ trope associated with the style. This is categorised by a quirky, beautiful young girl that influences the male main character’s development within the story, often remaining elusive and one-dimensional. The film arguably disrupts this narrative by humanising the female character and allowing the audience to view her as her own, fleshed-out person that is able to continue her own journey during the relationship, along with after the couple splits. Ruby Sparks is also a deconstruction of this trope, teaching the viewer that this type of characterisation is unrealistic and a harmful representation of female autonomy. The whimsy-twee style takes inspiration from the positive, carefree elements of these characters, leaving behind the negative associations of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. 

Models like Pattie Boyd and Shelley Duvall are also sources of inspiration for the style, their prominent features and fashionably unreserved manner of dress being a perfect catalyst for the development of twee.


Strikingly artistic patterns dominate this style, ignoring conventional fashion rules by combining different shapes. Swirls, dots, stripes: you name it, you can layer it. Swirls are associated with an elusive, whimsical sort of mindset, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland and adolescent doodling. Dots and stripes add to the maximalist approach, acting as a warm beacon to come across as friendly and approachable. Other patterns like gingham and checkerboard also show up often for wearers. The combination of different bright colours is also crucial to this style, wearers of it not afraid to unapologetically stand out. Many people I’ve observed with this style tend to include primary colours along with purple and green, a subversion of the muted tones of the ‘Clean Girl’,trending simultaneously with the whimsy-twee person yet opposing this uniqueness. Colourful tights are definitely an obvious indicator of this style as it is such a simple way to add a fun, exuberant element to your wardrobe. Flowy, interestingly-textured material is a way to present these feminine patterns, yet there is a large margin of freedom to wear whichever silhouettes you like as long as they capture the care-free attitude of the whimsy-twee person. 


Accessories are crucial to the layering process, enhancing the creative chaos of the outfit. There are countless ways to upgrade your base, yet these are the most common methods I’ve observed:

  • Makeup. The way you do your makeup can completely transform an outfit, and the best part is there are so many different possibilities. Eyes are a key factor: the 60s mod look is an effective way to seemingly increase the size of your eyes and add a pop of colour to your face, extending your eyelashes and natural lash-line with eyeliner. Makeup can also be used as face paint, drawing interesting designs like butterflies and flowers around the high points of the face. Glitter often makes an appearance with this style, yet a more natural look can also cooperate with an outfit.
  • Footwear. A variety of shoe options are compatible with the style, yet chunky shoes are often worn, whether it’s large, buckled shoes, thick heels, or wedges. However, ballet-style slip-ons and the like can also work if you’re not a fan of being weighed down by footwear. Remember the socks with frills and/or bows!
  • Belts. Whether they’re plain or coloured, belts are a great way to break up an outfit and emphasise an intended silhouette.
  • Hair. There are endless possibilities regarding hairstyles, depending on the length, colour and texture of your hair. The enjoyable thing about twee is that no particular form of hairstyle is necessary, and one can adapt to what works best for them. For example, many partakers in this fashion choose to don micro bangs and a sharply-cut bob, whereas others wear their hair long and curly. Using bows, ribbons, and clips accentuate the look; the ball is in your court to get creative with the presentation of your hair (if applicable). 
  • Jewellery. A large – some may say excessive – amount of jewellery is admirable when dressing whimsy-twee. We’re talking a stacked arm of bracelets and bangles, a selection of colourful and unique bags (I advise looking on Pinterest for inspiration, I’ve seen a collection of creative homemade bags depicting different animals and patterns), dangly earrings, broaches, thick necklaces, glasses and more. Some people safety-pin objects like toys and sunglasses to their clothes, adding another dimension to the look.


Nostalgia is an important contributor to the style, not only influencing the aesthetic but also the attitude. Whimsy-twee is all about being carefree, creative and unapologetically yourself. The style is drenched in childhood imagery, outfits splashed in nature-inspired and fantasy motifs. The sun, moon and stars are prominent, along with water, flowers, animals, rainbows, clouds and musical notes. Animals like bugs and butterflies often appear, sometimes even referencing children’s stories like The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Food like fruit and cake is sometimes pictured onto clothing to represent the youthfulness of the style. Not only do these elements make an outfit look childlike, but also encapsulates the freedom and joy of youth. Whimsy-twee is all about colourful self-expression and the ability to DIY creatively, reminiscent of junior school arts-and-crafts, and a limitless imagination a child is encouraged to explore. It embodies a time where you had yet to start caring about others’ opinions of you, instead being absorbed in the present moment and steered by what makes you happy. 

We have much to thank for this development of twee fashion, namely the creation of a style that allows you to layer to your heart’s content and honour your inner child. This guide is intended as a demonstration of the binding components found across wearers of the style, however it is not an instruction manual. The style is incredibly adaptable to the individual’s preferences, so I encourage you to discover which parts speak to you most in order to create a personal interpretation of it. In essence, the only inaccurate way to approach this style is to overthink how you are presenting yourself. Put self-expression and experimentation over all, and try out a bold colour the next time you are deciding what to wear. 

I am currently a second-year student of Sociology at Exeter university, developing my journalist skills and understanding more about the cultural climate. I’ve taken modules in Crimes of the Powerful, Gender and Society and Postcolonial Theology. I especially enjoy exploring topics about political power dynamics reflected in cultural media, and how that has an impact on the everyday person. Feminism is my all-time favourite topic; I am constantly inspired by other women and I live my life to give back the gift of empowerment to anyone it'll benefit. My personal role models are Poppy Jay, Rubina Pabani, Florence Given, Jameela Jamil and countless others.