This week’s Campus Cutie is starring in the Shotgun production of ‘Spring Awakening’!
Name: Will Rushworth
Course: Politics, Philosophy & Economics
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Describe yourself in 3 words: Committed, Ambitious, Late
Tell us about your role in ‘Spring Awakening?’: My character, Hanschen is kind of a big deal. He’s one of the ‘boys’ at school and thinks he’s God’s gift to the earth. Initially in the show he’s expanding his horizons by praying on another of the schoolboys, Ernst. But the two characters eventually breakaway from the chaos emerging amongst their friends and find a happy relationship in spite of the society that surrounds them.
What’s been the biggest challenge for you in the play?: The dancing … always wanted to improve my ‘shapes’ on top top. When I broke my ankle at Henley and couldn’t row last term, I found myself auditioning for the show. Thanks to the production team I have improved – I think – but please don’t watch too closely!
What 3 items would you take with you to a desert island?: Lifetime supply of Curry, beach cricket set, Tunnock’s Caramel Wafers
Where are we most likely to find you in Exeter?: Campus most of the time, Boat Club the rest.
Perfect Date: Six Nations weekend in Paris.
Buy your tickets here: