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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Hometown: Villanova, Pennsylvania

Year: Sophomore

Major: BOS Major, Math Minor

Activities on campus: Phi Tau Fraternity Brother, Dedicated ASFC and PIT employee

Relationship Status: Single, ready to mingle

Do you have a Valentine? Yes, my mom.

Idea of a perfect date? I like taking a girl to dinner, as in I like girls who eat, and then taking a girl to a sporting event because I like girls who know their sports.

Thoughts on one night stands? Hmm I don’t know. I’ve had them.. not too many though… but I’m against them. I’d rather get to know a girl.

Guilty pleasure? When I’m alone, I love listening to and singing 90s pop songs. Mainly Backstreet Boys and N*Sync.

Celebrity Crush- Male and Female: For a guy, Justin Timberlake, hands down. For a girl, I love the young Jennifer Aniston, even now she is still a fox.

Any hidden talents? If you’ve ever seen me in a chicken suit, you already know.

Favorite pick up line? “It’s such a beautiful day out, made me think of you.”

What’s on your bucket list before you graduate? I’d like to go on a cross country road trip. If not before I graduate then immediately after. My mom did it in college so I’m definitely trying to do it too.

Reason why he is our cutie: When Frank isn’t hanging out with the bros or hitting the gym, he’s hard at work doing his math homework. There’s nothing better than a dedicated student, unless that dedicated student also looks like Frank. He’s got a smile that Justin Timberlake would be jealous of and that cool, movie jock look going for him. Frank sees himself climbing the corporate ladder in the finance world for a Fortune 500 Company in ten years. With his brains and good looks, HerCampus definitely sees this as a possibility for Frank and wish him the best of luck in the rest of his college career!Â