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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

Name: Kaycee G

Class Year: 2020

Hometown: Newark, NJ

What are you involved in at F&M?: Black Student Union, First Generation Diplomats, Sexuality and Gender Alliance

What is your favorite memory at F&M?: When I was a House Advisor (HA), and one of my residents said that they wanted to become an HA because of me.

Favorite place to eat in Lancaster?: A tie between Oka Asian Fusion and Issei Noodle

Favorite place on campus?: My room? and also the Women’s Center

What inspires you?: Strong women who have their shit together.

If you could do anything what would you do?: Pay off my student loans.

An interesting fact about you?: I really like k-pop, and I’m learning Korean because I really like the language.

Ben or John? (and why): Neither. I don’t particularly like our mascots.

Sandra is an LA native studying Creative Writing at Franklin and Marshall College. When not reading for class, you can find her laughing at memes. She would like to say she enjoys long walks on the beach, but she hasn't taken enough to claim it as a hobby. When asked to describe herself, she will tell you she's a cloud pretending to be human. It's okay if the cloud thing is confusing. She doesn't really get it either.