Sarah Hafiz ’18
Sarah Hafiz is an active student on campus who is involved in various volunteering programs at F&M. This Lancaster native is loves our mascot and has a talent with accents! Read more about her below :)
HC:Â Hometown?
SH:Â Lancaster, PA
HC:Â What are you involved in at F&M?
SH: Ware Institute for Civic Engagement Refugee Initiatives, Ware Institute Squash Aces program, F&M Muslim Students Association, Research assistant in the Jinks lab, Health Professions Advising Student Health Advisory Board
HC:Â What is your favorite memory at F&M?
SH: Taking part in the pre-orientation program at F&M: PIT (Putting It Together) by the Ware Institute for Civic Engagement. I had the opportunity to learn and work with refugees in Lancaster and make friends that are some of my closest at F&M. It was a good start to my F&M career.
HC:Â Favorite place to eat in Lancaster?
SH: Duck Donuts
HC: Favorite place on campus?
SH: I pretty much live in LSP and like walking through the LSP garden everyday. I also like hanging out in the newly renovated Muslim Prayer Room on campus.
HC: What’s your favorite quote?
SH: “The secret of success is the consistency to pursue” -Harry F. Banks
HC:Â What’s your dream vacation?
SH: Somewhere preferably warm and sunny, where I can explore and develop a deeper appreciation for the world we live in.
HC: Favorite class you’ve taken here?
SH: Sociology of Medicine
HC: An interesting fact about you? *
SH: My high school superlative was “Best at Accents.” A lot of people do not know this about me, but people who know me really well say I have a knack for speaking in different accents having been exposed to different cultures growing up. For me, it is a way to celebrate diversity within the human race.
HC: Ben or John? (and why)
SH: Why is this a question? Ben AND John of course! :)
[Image from]