Throughout your years in college, you have an incredible amount of time to learn. Learning is what shapes us. We can learn about the world, about others, and about ourselves. College is the time to delve into as much learning as possible. Four years seems like forever when you first step onto campus, but it goes by in a flash. It is also a strange adjustment. You go from being the oldest and wisest at your high school as a super cool senior who knows everything about everything to being a little freshman who can barely survive on their own. But there were many things that that little freshman did not know. These are the reasons why college me is much better than high school me.
1. I have gained more knowledge from college courses that have heightened my expertise in certain areas.
2. I do not hide my true self from others; I am so much more comfortable in my own skin.
3. I have met so many new people and learned from their place in my life whether it is positive or negative experience. Everyone comes into your life for a reason.
4. I know how much my parents mean to me; I know now that I owe everything I have to them.
5. I am prepared for the real world.
6. I have found my voice.
7. I have much better style.
8. Boys don’t rule my life.
9. I can cook and clean and remember to water plants.
10. I understand the value of everything in my life: my friends, family, money, and education. And it allows me to truly appreciate everything I have.
It is incredibly rewarding to see where these past four years have taken me. I am truly proud of the way my college experiences have shaped me into the person I am today.