1. It’s not the end of the world if you spend too much of your monthly allowance on ordering out, or your 4-coffees-a-day habit.
2. It’s fine that you’ve already changed your major two times and still debate whether or not to add/drop a minor.
3. I can guarantee that you’re not the only person who still has no idea what you want to do with your life.
4. Distance and growing up has a lot to do with drifting away from your hometown friends and it’s okay if that happens to you.
5. It’s okay that you let your fashion sense evolve, as well as your opinion on certain topics.
6. It’s okay that you had to call Mom and Dad to deposit more money into your checking account.
7. Occasionally making a fool of yourself on Friday or Saturday night is okay, as long as you realize it can’t happen every time you leave the dorm.
8. It’s okay to not like every person that you meet and that people still annoy you.
9. It’s okay if you’re still single; stop stressing. Prince Charming is out there somewhere.
10. If you have a nervous breakdown at least once a week, it’s okay. It means that you’re normal.
11. It’s okay to feel hopeless and lost at times.
12. It’s okay to take too much advantage of your new freedom. You’ll learn from your mistakes.
13. You made mistakes, learned from them, and moved on. It comes with growing up.
14. It’s okay to binge eat at 1 a.m. with your friends. Did someone say pizza or Nutella? Or pizza AND Nutella?
15. Skipping a class here and there is okay because sometimes a mental health day is absolutely necessary.
16. It’s okay to watch one too many episodes of Netflix when you should have been studying for your History midterm.
17. It’s okay to be homesick during your second semester. The family will always be happy to receive a surprise visit.
18. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to party every weekend. That being said, it’s perfectly fine if you want to.
19. It’s totally normal to join a bunch of clubs and not follow through on roughly 28 of them…hopefully you stuck with Her Campus Fairfield!
20. It’s okay to want to repeat the most nerve-racking, exciting, stressful, and the best year of your life.
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