In this very moment, we are no longer children, pre-teens or teenagers- we are young adult women. While being a collegiette certainly has its perks, nostalgia always has a way of hitting us. When this happens, it becomes apparent that there are things that every collegiette misses from their childhood when embracing their college journey.
1. Being Taken Care of When You Are Sick
Whether it is the common cold or a simple headache, most collegiettes quickly jump to the conclusion that her sickness is some form of the Black Plague. Having our parents tell us we should stay home and rest while homemade chicken noodle soup is on the stove waiting to be delivered in bed is something that is forever missed. These luxuries are replaced with cafeteria cuisine, minimal unexcused absences without penalty, and walking to the Health Center regardless of how cold it is outside.
2. Having Endless Naps…Without the Consequences
Many of us have mastered the technique of power napping in between classes or before a night out with our friends. However, the naps that we take now are nothing compared to the deep slumbers we enjoyed as children. Back then we could nap for hours without the consequences of sleeping through an alarm and missing a test or having to pull an all-nighter to make up for lost time we should have spent writing that paper.Â
3. Careless Eating
It’s always nice reminiscing about the days as kids when eating a pound of candy followed by sugary rainbow colored drinks was an everyday routine. Now, being healthy is a major priority, so while we eat our veggies more willingly than before, we still miss substantial homemade cooking and the sweets we once consumed guilt-free.
Although we may miss these childhood delights, growing up is a beautiful thing. By moving through these stages of life, from our kindergarten days to college years, we realize how important it is to appreciate being able take a walk down memory lane. As we visit the things that every collegiette misses from their childhood, it becomes clear that although these things may have been overlooked as children, they are absolutely appreciated now.