Collegiettes, it’s that time of year when we are all swamped with midterms, deadlines, and now, advising for next semester is coming up! We all know how stressful everything can be and the last thing on our minds is advising. As our girl Jordan Sparks would say, “just take one step at a time” and take a break.
We know how overwhelming it can be thinking about next semester already, so here are 3 ways to stay organized this advising season!
1. The plan ahead feature on My.Fairfield is a must for course registration and is one of the most useful tools available to all students. This site allows you to create up to five different schedule plans for the upcoming semester – talk about a #lifesaver! Rather than rushing minutes before registration time, use the plan ahead tool to create different schedules so that you are beyond prepared!
2. Okay ladies, we all know that professors can make or break a course, and some are certainly better than others. We all have registered for a class that we are beyond excited for, and then we have a professor that doesn’t meet our expectations. To avoid this from happening, use Rate My Professor where past students honestly grade each professor based on their difficulty and the students’ likeliness to take them again.
3. While this is a requirement in order to receive your pin for registration, your academic advisor is also an expert and will not steer you wrong! Definitely meet with your advisor sooner rather than later to reduce all your nerves so that you are guaranteed next semester will be the best one to date!
Don’t stress about registration Collegiettes, we got this! Happy advising!