Collegiettes; when you look in the mirror as you’re putting on makeup getting ready for class or dinner with your friends, have you ever stopped to think how much easier life would be without all the superficial qualities that we worry about constantly?
Wouldn’t it be easier if you didn’t have to spend an hour getting ready? If you didn’t have to worry about the price tag and labels on your clothes? If you will even fit into those clothes? If you didn’t have to leave your dorm still second guessing if you look good or not?
Don’t get us wrong, we are all in favor of the finer things in life, but at what cost? If you are ever questioning your beauty, just reflect on these four beautiful collegiette qualities that have nothing to do with looks.
1. A Collegiettes DreamsAs a collegiette, she is always thinking about her future; what job she’s going to have, what chic NYC apartment she will be living in and where she will travel. Her dreams are an inner quality that is usually her best-kept secret. Even without telling people, her ambition and drive to make her dreams reality displays more of her beauty than any eye shadow, mascara, or bronzer could ever do.
2. A Collegiettes LaughLaughing; it’s infectious, it takes a special person to bring it out of a collegiette, and it’s an absolutely beautiful quality that has nothing to do with her looks. The way that a collegiette can find humor in situations and find something so funny that she is keeling over laughing with tears streaming down her cheeks while she holds her stomach from the soreness in her abs is a wonderful thing.
3. A Collegiettes StrengthCollegiettes are not the gals you want to mess with. They are driven, powerful, and influential young adult women who have strength that helps them rise above as they overcome challenges. It’s the strength that has carried them through their awkward stages of middle school, their triumphs through college applications, and the life experiences they have conquered, making them who they are today. This strength that has always been within is a beautiful quality that no one has the power to take away.
4. A Collegiettes VulnerabilityHow could vulnerability be considered beautiful? When it comes to collegiettes, it’s one of the most important qualities she can have. Vulnerability has nothing to do with physical strength. Instead, it portrays how humble collegiettes can be regardless of their strong ambitions and portrayal. Whether it may be the butterflies they get when talking to a crush, or the nervousness they feel when getting back an exam – this vulnerability speaks to the inner quality of the softness of a collegiette. Few people get to experience it, and yet it makes her all the more beautiful.
At the end of the day collegiettes’, our beauty does not have to do with our looks. It’s the qualities hidden behind our exterior that shine through us, making us the beautiful young women we are.