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4 Free Organization Apps that are Must-Haves for Staying Calm, Cool, and Collected

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Staying organized can be extremely difficult, especially when you’re juggling a seemingly infinite number of things at once. Between classes, clubs, cooking, and more, it may seem impossible to keep yourself on the right track and track of your assignments. Here are 4 free apps that are ~extremely~ helpful for staying organized in all aspects of your college life!  



This app is truly amazing because it’s free, and it’s your one-stop-shop for organization. It has a built-in calendar where you can add events and reminders. Cozi has a customizable lists section where you can customize lists and categories. For those who are off the meal plan for the first time, Cozi also has a recipe section that provides recipes, gives you the option to add recipe links or add in your own recipe from scratch!



This app is perfect for keeping track of assignments. You can add labels, due dates, subsections, and even set priorities. You know that week you have two tests and an essay due? You can use this app to set yourself up for success and make sure you never miss a deadline again! 



Similar to Todoist, this app lets you set up an endless amount of lists. Whether it’s the groceries you have to buy or just a list of movies you want to watch, this app has got your back! You can also set lists with due dates and corresponding reminders.



Spendee is the perfect app that can help you get a handle on your expenses and figure out how to budget. It’s very easy to use, gives you categories to classify your spending habits, and gives you an analysis of those spending habits.   


These apps are just a few suggestions of the dozens of great apps that can help you with scheduling and more. If these apps still don’t cut it for you, definitely consider what works best for you and look into what other apps are out there. Everyone is different and, therefore, will have different organizational strategies. If paper and pen work better for you, great If not, maybe try experimenting with some different apps! 

Molly Concannon

Fairfield '20

Molly Concannon is a Jersey girl through and through. She attends Fairfield University where she is majoring in Finance and Public Relations. This is her fourth year on the Her Campus team! She is also slightly obsessed with libraries, reading, and Disney movies, and she definitely will try to pet any dogs she sees.
Katie Mazzotta

Fairfield '21

Katie Mazzotta, from Massachusetts, studies marketing and finance at Fairfield University. She is the campus correspondent for Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Her creativity and marketing skills provide a beneficial influence on the chapter's event planning and social media accounts. In her free time, she loves the beach and spending time with friends and family.