1. The Snuggie
It’s a blanket with armholes. Why did it take us this long to come up with that? I’m not sure, but I do know they look great on everyone.
2. The Turbie Twist
The perfect invention for every girl who ever had trouble balancing a huge towel on her head like a bowl of fruit. With all of its cute colors, The Turbie Twist is trendy and sensible!
3. The Brownie Edge Baking Pan
Everyone’s favorite part of the brownie is the crust (obviously), so kudos to the genius who made this pan. Edges for all!
4. Phone Case with Credit Card Holder
No need to stressfully rummage through your oversized bag for your ID. It’s conveniently at the tip of your fingers on the back of your phone. This invention makes us loved by every bouncer and bartender.
5. Port-a-Pint Collapsible Beer Glass
No cups? No problem. You brought your own AND it takes up as much space as a pack of gum. One small step for man, one giant leap for college students.
6. Whisky Stones
Say goodbye to the enemy, folks: watered down drinks. With this nifty invention, it’s all cold drinks and full flavor from here on out.
7. Heated Butter Knife
A true answer to our prayers. Watch that butter melt and think of all of the struggles you would have had if it were cold. You should feel sorry for the people with normal knives.
8. Goggle Umbrella
We can see clearly now the rain is NOT gone, but awkward bump-ins with people and poles are.
9. Pajama Jeans
Now nobody needs to know you’re a lazy slob who leaves the house in your pajamas. Frolic all you want.