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Am I on the right track? How to tell if you are in a good spot for life after college

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

It can be challenging to see if you are prepared for life after college. Everyone is doing something slightly different and finding what works for them. But, there are a few telltale signs that will tell you whether or not you are on the right track.

Firstly, if you are well into your college career you should have had at least one internship. Internships are a fantastic way to get a feel for your future career and also to get your foot in the door at any company or organization. Without an internship, you are missing out on real-world experience and networking opportunities, making you less likely to be hired after graduation.

Another way to see if you are on the right track is to make sure that you have taken/are set to take enough relevant coursework for your intended career by graduation. If you have a specific interest in a very niche career, you are going to need to be sure you are taking enough relevant courses for your specific interest. Classes for your major will most likely be too broad and not cut it come time for employment.

Finally, it is always a good idea to schedule an appointment with the career advisors here at Fairfield. They will give you a good idea of if you are not are not on the right track. If you are not, they will help you come up with a plan to be going in the right direction! 

XO Kara

Kara Eckert

Fairfield '26

Kara Eckert is a writer and editor for the Careers and Networking section at the Fairfield University chapter. She writes about ways to kick start your career while attending college and about opportunities for networking around campus. She is dedicated to helping Fairfield students learn about new strategies and opportunities for building a fulfilling career. Kara is a double major in International Studies and Spanish and has a minor in Humanitarian Action. She takes lots of course work that involves writing and editing- which is why she loves Her Campus! Outside of Fairfield, Kara loves skiing and hiking and you can find her in the mountains during breaks from school. She also loves a day trip into New York City to explore the museums. Most notably though, Kara loves shopping!