We all say it—that we’re “going to wear that dress”, so we pack it to bring home for Christmas break, only for it to sit in the bottom of your suitcase until you’re heading back to school.
“I’ll definitely need these shoes when I go out,” you say while you hold you black heels in hand. Meanwhile you most likely won’t change out of sweats, leggings, or that favorite high school sweatshirt for the entire month. Admit it, these phrases all sound familiar. So what exactly are you supposed to pack for break?
1. Several pairs of sweat pants and sweatshirtsEveryone thinks they’ll dress nice over break—and then you end up sitting on the couch binge watching Netflix. Pack the comfiest sweatshirts you own. School breaks are all about being cozy and comfortable, and of course relaxing.
2. Two nice outfitsThere are so many holidays to celebrate during winter break. Make sure you bring home two nice outfits for those family gatherings. Here’s a tip: if you bring an extra sweater home too, you can re-wear one of those two outfits with a twist to go to dinner with friends. Don’t overlook your accessories!
3. Workout clothingWith finals approaching, it seems hard to imagine yourself being productive and hitting the gym over break- especially since all you can think about is sleep. You will definitely regret not bringing home your sneakers when that post-holiday depression hits and your New Year’s Resolution is (surprise surprise) to get fit in 2015.
4. UnderwearDon’t laugh—I once left an entire bag of bras, underwear and socks at school before break freshman year. No one has to know that you wrote that sticky note on your desk to remind yourself…but I highly recommend you do so.
The most important thing to remember is that when you go home for winter break, you aren’t moving out! Don’t bring every last article of clothing home with you, odds are you won’t wear half of what you pack.
Remember not to save your packing for the hour before your train comes or your parents arrive to pick you up. Take a study break to get organized so that when your last final is over you can enjoy time with your friends stress-free.