We all know what it’s like to have grand plans to prepare for that first exam. You tell yourself, “This year I’ll just manage my time better so that I don’t have to cram!” Yay, you! Great plan, but does reality meet the expectations? Never.
Expectation: My exam is in exactly one week so I’ll start reviewing my class notes tonight.Reality: Well maybe if I study TOO far in advance I’ll forget everything, so I’ll just watch Netflix tonight and then get up early tomorrow morning to study.
You know the drill. One episode on Netflix turns into eight and before you know it, you’re sitting in front of your laptop at 4 a.m. with no sleep, no Nutella left, and no idea what your test is covering.
Expectation: Alarm goes off at 7 a.m., I awake without any trouble, and read through two chapters worth of notes just in time to make the review session at 9:30.Reality: That Netflix-Nutella bender from the night before has lead to the inevitable slam on the snooze button every nine minutes.
You’re now left sprinting to class with no coffee in your system. Yea….good luck on that one…
Expectation: I’ll just make a study guide before the review session and if I have any questions I can ask them then.Reality: Ran in through the doors five minutes late with no study guide, books, or a pen. Whatever, Physics is like all common sense, right?
No, self, Physics is the farthest thing from common sense. Please, please, PLEASE go to office hours so that you can at least try to salvage a percentage of your grade.
Expectation: Office hours on Thursday? Hell yeah, I’ll be there! Everyone knows professors boost your grade if you go. A for effort, am I right?Reality: My roommates are going to the townhouses so in my best interest I’ve decided to go. It’s a unanimous consensus that FOMO is worse than failing one exam. Besides I’m not even going to stay out late AND I’ll pull an all-nighter studying when I get back. System. Beat.
You did indeed pull an all-nighter…AT THE TOWNHOUSES. No studying was done and the grade was failing to say the least. Let this be a lesson: stay in school, kids.