My roommate Emma is fantastic and she has great style, but my style is very different compared to hers. I am a leggings and t-shirt girl all the way and she rocks J-Crew and jeans. Because we are so different, I decided to let her plan my outfits for a whole week. While I was excited to not have to pick out my own clothes for a week, I was also very nervous and wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from this experience. Here’s what happened:
Day 1:
The first day, Emma picked out a pink blouse that I usually wouldn’t wear unless I have a presentation or want to look more put together. She also had me wear jeans and jewelry. I always forget I own jewelry and don’t remember to put it on early in the morning, so it was nice to actually use some of the necklaces and earrings I had just lying around. I was a little hesitant about the shirt, but I ended up getting a lot of compliments on how nice I looked.
Day 2:
The second day, Emma picked out a black long sleeve shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket that I’ve worn maybe once this entire year. I was nervous about going to class in my leather jacket because it was not something that I would usually wear. I was strutting around in my leather jacket and it actually made me feel cool and rebellious. When I went to the grocery store, some guy told me he loved my jacket and it reminded him of Michael Jackson…which I think is a compliment?
Day 3:
The third day, Emma chose a tank top and jeans (again). She chose a light kimono-like cardigan for me to wear over it, but I had her change it to a heavier sweater because of the weather (she did not like me changing the outfit….). She also had me wear a necklace and earrings. Overall, this was something that I would definitely wear again.
Day 4:
The fourth day Emma had me wear one of my favorite tank tops, jeans, and my favorite sweater. This is probably the outfit I felt most like myself in and there’s a chance that I’ve even worn this exact outfit before. This was an outfit I would 100% chose to wear myself, but I would probably switch out the jeans for leggings.
Day 5:
The last day, Emma had me wear a nice tank top blouse, ripped jeans, a sweater and a necklace. I looked nicer than usual, but with a full week of stepping out of my style comfort zone under my belt, I was not self-conscious about it. This outfit was also not too different from anything that I would have chosen for myself (besides the necklace). Overall, I loved this experiment! It was so great to wake-up in the morning and not have to pick out an outfit. It event made me a little nostalgic about my high-school uniform and not having to put an outfit together daily. It also made me step a bit outside my comfort zone, but since all the clothes I wore were mine, I still felt like me. I also think this is the first week the semester that I’ve gone a full week without wearing leggings! While I’m not a fully-converted jean-lover, I definitely look more put together in them! I would recommend trying this experiment with a friend you trust because it can introduce you to new styles that are sitting right in your own closet!