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Meet Nick Cerasuolo ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Whether Nick Cerasuolo is tip-toe-wing along to Riff Raff or gushing about his girlfriend, he will make you feel like his best friend mere minutes after meeting him. Read on to find out more about this party-loving and adorable cutie, and his time at Fairfield University!

Name: Nick Cerasuolo

Year: 2016

Major: Accounting & Finance

Campus Activities: Career Center, Knights of Columbus, Intramural Sports

Relationship Status: Taken


Her Campus: Okay, ready? What is something most people don’t know about you?

Nick Cerasuolo: I was an athlete in high school! I played football and I threw shot-put and discus. 

HC: What is your dream job?

NC: President of the United States. 

HC: Who is your celebrity spirit animal?

NC: Christian Bale, because he’s batman… and I love Batman. (Laughs)


HC: Okay next, how would you describe yourself in 5 words or less?

NC: I. Like. To. Party. 

HC: What is your go-to Barone meal?

NC: Go to Barone meal? Chicken tenders. But they have them, like, once a year so a sandwich usually. 

HC: What do you love most about Fairfield University?

NC: The turkeys… and the campus is pretty nice. 

HC: What is your best advice to other Fairfield University students?

NC: Get involved and keep meeting new people! 

HC: Lastly, Fairfield girls are the best because…

NC: There is only one girl here that’s the best.


Fast Facts!

HC: Favorite song?

NC: “Wake Me Up” by Avicii 

HC: Favorite movie?

NC: The Batman Trilogy, wait can it be a trilogy?

HC: Yes. (Laughs)

NC: The Batman Trilogy. 

HC: Late night snack?

NC: DiGiorno. 

HC: Guilty pleasure?

NC: HGTV, definitely. 

HC: Celebrity crush?

NC: Mila Kunis 

HC: Fav pick up line?

NC: My name is Nick, but you can call me tonight.

HC: (Laughs)

HC: Coffee order?

NC: It depends if I can even or not, but usually just a large hot coffee.

HC: Go to dance move?

NC: Tip-toe-wing… (in my jawww-dinz)

Megan is a Fairfield University senior majoring in English and journalism from Long Island, New York. She is the Fashion Director and a devoted writer for Her Campus Fairfield as well as a part-time Editorial Web Intern at Cosmopolitan.com in New York City. Some of Megan's favorite things are the beach, Spotify playlists, Harry Potter and Instagram. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram! 
Amanda McKelvey is a Co-Campus Correspondent and a senior at Fairfield University. She is a Journalism major with minors in Psychology and Communications. In addition to being a CC she has held internships with Michael Kors, CollegeFashionista.com and the Rockville Centre and Baldwin Heralds. In her free time, Amanda enjoys days on the beaches of Long Island, watching Scandal, Chicago Fire and the Bachelorette, eating anything sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes—you name it!) and reading a good book. She’s excited to spend her senior year living at Fairfield Beach with her best friends including fellow CC Danielle Tullo! You can follow her on Twitter @theAMANDAshowww or on Instagram @ammckelvey.