It’s a pumpkin’s world and we’re just living in it
1. It all started out sneaking its way into our lattes…and eventually our hearts
2. It began to move its way through pastries, and we were cool with that. Who doesn’t love a pumpkin loaf?
3. Next it hit the bagels. A little different, but we can live with it.
4. Then it was our precious Eggo waffles. Sure it makes sense, I could have it with my latte. Not the end of the world, but I get a bad feeling that a pumpkin storm is a brewin’
5. Sure enough, mayhem struck. It got into the smoothies
6. and Oreos
7. and our favorite bands
8. and Doritos
9. and cologne apparently?
10. and martinis??
11. Pringles too?!
12. Okay, Listerine…that doesn’t even make sense
13. BUT NOT OUR BELOVED CHIPOTLE. This is where I put my foot down.
The madness stops here. Join me in the fight against Pumpkin Spice and follow me on Twitter @clairlycomedian