With finals around the corner, a lot of us are determined to make our way to the lib and crack down on our studies. We promise ourselves we will not do anything until we finish our homework and this is how that goes down…
You start off by picking your fave spot in the lib totally ready to start your studies
But then you see all of your friends and naturally wave them down so they can sit with you
And you all swear you’re going to study and not distract each other
And then you think you’re fooling everyone by writing that paper that’s due tomorrow morning but you’re just stalking people on Facebook, Instagram or refreshing your Twitter feed
Then you’re convinced you’ve done enough work so it’s time for iced coffee. However it’s after 8pm so you have to settle for hot #firstworldproblems . Good news is Leon is around to chat, successfully killing at least another half an hour.
Then you take a Snapchat of you “studying” to remind everyone that you have sooo much homework
10pm? Damn time for a snack break
The mild heart attack you get when you hear “THE TIME IS NOW 11:30PM THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSING IN 30 MINUTES”
Then you realize you’re too tired to go into the 24-hour café/computer lab so you pack up your books and call it a night
Hey there’s always tomorrow, right?