Famu is host to a plethora of women and men with their own unique style. This diversity can be seen with a simple walk on the set during Set Friday. There, you can get a sense of the wide range of personalities that are alive on this campus. During this time, Just Kinkin It members conducted interviews with fellow rattlers. The questions posed were all in regards to natural hair and how they felt about it. We interview people whose hairstyles range from natural and perms on women, to long locks and low cuts on men, and even the staff. Here is what they had to say.
Name: Yusuf Fisher
Age: 20
Classification: Junior
Hometown: Jacksonville, Fla.
How do you feel about natural hair?: I feel like it’s much easier to take care of, I don’t like weave. Natural is beauty! Everybody is going natural.
Name: Janelle Edwards
Age: 30
Hometown: Tallahassee, Fla.
How do you feel about natural hair? It’s beautiful. A lot of people see natural hair and want to do it but, don’t get the right information, or don’t prepare and freak out.
Do you think natural hair is just a fad? I think it is a semi-fad; some people do it because everyone else is doing it. But, some people do it because it’s a life change. There is a love that you find for yourself in being natural.
Name: Rosalind Cooper
Age: 19
Classification: Sophomore
Hometown: San Antonio, Tx.
How do you feel about natural hair? I love natural hair. I think it is beautiful, it’s the way your hair is supposed to be.
How do you feel about the phrase that natural hair is just a fad? I don’t agree with that. For some it is a fad but, for some it is a lifestyle choice. I think it depends on the reason each person decides to go natural.
What are the positives of having natural hair? I think its really fun researching different products and styles. It is a very interesting journey and it requires a different level of confidence. Also, your hair is healthy. I feel like natural hair is like going on a really good diet for your hair.
Name: Anastasia Woodberry
Age: 19
Classification: Sophomore
Hometown: Lilburn, Ga.
How do you feel about natural hair? I like natural hair because it’s thick, and I like big and full hair. I get relaxers because I like the way it colors my hair. I don’t think I could go natural because I don’t have the confidence for it. However, my children will not know what a perm is. I was 5 when I got my first relaxer.
What are the positives to having natural hair? It is efficient and you save money.
Do you feel like natural hair is just a fad? Honestly for some people I feel like it’s a fad but, some people actually do it for the right reasons, whatever those may be.
Name: Kevin Richardson
Age: 21
Classification: Junior
Hometown: Ft Lauderdale, Fla.
How do you feel about natural hair? I have strong feelings about it. I dislike weaves because it takes away from your natural beauty. I have always felt like that.
What influenced you to feel that way? I like how my mom’s hair looks. She’s natural and looks better that way.
How do you feel about natural hair being just a fad? In a sense it is just a fad, but it is a positive thing. Some girls may realize that it’s a better look.
What advice do you have about girls considering going natural? Believe in yourself, take your time and think about it because there are a lot of positives to having it and lots of people that look good with it.
Name: Clifton Abraham III
Age: 20
Classification: Junior
Hometown: Dallas, Tx.
Do you feel like natural hair is just a fad? Is it a trend? Yes. Fad? No. I feel like everyone will gravitate towards it at some point over the course of their lives but it is their choice to stick with it or not.
How do you feel about natural hair on women compared to women with relaxers? I think that just because a girl is natural doesn’t mean that she’s more beautiful than a woman with permed hair. I also think that just because a woman has permed hair that doesn’t make her more attractive than a girl with natural hair. It’s a personal preference of the girl. Some girls look more physically attractive with natural hair and vice versa.
Name: Sheila Wesley
Age: 66
Hometown: Whiteville, Nc.
How do you feel about natural hair?
I love it. I’ve been natural for twenty years. With the heat and humidity it didn’t make sense to waste money on getting a perm…It’s easier, cheaper, and much more convenient.
Name: Corey Jones
Age: 20
Classification: Junior
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Do you feel that natural hair is just a fad? No, I personally don’t feel that it is a fad, but it has become the “in thing” to do. Girls are doing it because other girls are doing it.
How long have you been natural? I’ve been natural all my life.
What the craziest thing you’ve experienced in regards to your natural hair? My hair got lit on fire.
Name: Larry Polynice
Age: 22
Classification: Senior
Hometown: Sarasota, Fla.
What do you think the reasoning is behind women going natural? I think the want to get back to who they really are, their roots.
How do you feel about natural hair? There are negatives because some women don’t take care of their hair. The positive is because you’re being who you really are.
Name: Andrea Moore
Age: 18
Classification: Freshman
Hometown: Miami, Fla.
How do you feel about natural hair? I don’t really care for it.
Would you ever consider going natural? I would never consider going natural.
Is there a particular reason for why you prefer relaxed hair over natural hair? No, I have no reason for not liking it. I just personally prefer the sleeker, long hair, straight look.